Small Living Room - Need Help!

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by polkadot11, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. polkadot11

    polkadot11 New Seed

    Aug 29, 2009
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    We want to redo our living room. It needs to grow up. We only have a futon and unstable wire shelving. Our stumbling block has been the size of the room. It isn't that large, a little under 12' x 15'. The doorways present a challenge as well. And, we have a pellet stove that must remain in the space. However, it can be moved to a different location in the room. Also, the dog crate will be removed and the shelves above the TV can come down. We are planning on getting new furniture, but not anything in particular. I'd like to have a few ideas about how to arrange the room. Any suggestions welcome!!

    Corner 1 (Dining Room) ( photo / image / picture from polkadot11's Garden )

    Corner 2 (Front Door) ( photo / image / picture from polkadot11's Garden )

    Corner 3 (Pellet Stove) ( photo / image / picture from polkadot11's Garden )

    Corner 4 (Windows) ( photo / image / picture from polkadot11's Garden )
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  3. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    I too have a small space and suffer from many of the same problems (wood stove-can't be moved, dog crates which have since gone into the bedroom). One of the major changes that we made that made the biggest difference (besides the dog crates leaving) was to have the couch/major sitting area to be on the opposite wall as the biggest window. Wow! did it ever make the room feel bigger and lighter facing outside.

    The other thing that we did which big was get an entertainment center from IKEA (they have lots of different styles and combinations - it was worth the hour and half drive each way and the 2 days of putting it together). All the TV and audio things as well as books and display items are on one wall unit that is not very deep and looks terrific. I feel like it was the best buy and is really customized for our small space. It also freed up room for a couple of small leather chairs we purchased.

    Of course we have two small storage ottomans that act as coffee tables (My hubby and I have to put our feet up after work). We use them to store our shoes as we kick them off at the end of the day, but they can also be extra seating.

    Have fun and hope you get your living room to have the look you want.
  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    All these suggestions are things I would try out....

    Use the wall where the TV is now for bookcases for all those things in the wire shelves, books of course, photos, CD's, DVD's, etc.

    Use the sofa as a sort of room divider. Place it at a right angle from where it is now, moved away from the front wall just a bit.
    Put the red chair in the corner where the dog crate is with that small brown table that is presently next to the wire shelving next to it, either side, it could hold a small reading lamp, a decorative item or a plant would be good since it will get plenty of bright light there.

    Put the TV on the wall where the wire shelving is now. If the heat from the stove will affect the TV, then put the stove under the small window. That will free up a corner for a tall houseplant. Houseplants are not only pretty and soften corners of rooms, but they help keep the room air clean.

    Once you get all those things laying around on the floor onto shelves that room will look much larger. The sofa as a room divider will create a faux hallway from the front door to the kitchen door.

    I would replace the curtains with shutters on the lower half and the top have with curtains of your choice.
    If you can afford it, put new covers on the futon cushions and choose curtains of either a coordinating color or a 'go with' color. And a rug on the floor in front of the sofa/under the coffee table, maybe a 5'x7' . Buy either the cushion covers or the rug first then you will know which colors to use for the curtains, throw pillows, maybe an afghan on the back of the sofa or chair.

    If you can paint the walls, an off white or a very light beige would soften the glare of stark white.

    Good luck and be sure to post photos when you get the room just the way you like it.
    Frank likes this.
  5. SusieQ07

    SusieQ07 In Flower

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Before, de-clutter, de-clutter!!!!

  6. nicolettedesign

    nicolettedesign New Seed

    Jun 3, 2009
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    Your living room just have a dark feeling, and there is a lot of things decor, so it is hard to find a centerpiece. So see what you can put in storage, and empty it out as much as possible.

    I also recommend changing the shade of your wall. The dark feeling could just be a blend feeling, because you don't have enough colors that stand out. A warm neutral color is a great start.


    Small living room setup
  7. Ingridhsu

    Ingridhsu New Seed

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I drew a layout plan for you.

    plan ( photo / image / picture from Ingridhsu's Garden )

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