The Ditch of Doom.

Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by Happyguy, May 6, 2006.

  1. Happyguy

    Happyguy New Seed

    May 6, 2006
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    Hi all. In our backyard, we have a "Garden" that is located by the back fence. One big problen is that there is a big ditch that is common to our yard and others. The soil has eroded,leaving a gap under the fence and the whole area is unsiglty. the grass by the ditch was dead when we moved in leaving bare earth. I'm guessing that the water from the snow etc drains off through this depression, although i have never seen water collected or flowing there. I want to build an oversized planter bed to bring the ditch level with the rest of the yard, but i am worried about drainage. the whole area is about 30 feet long by 10 feet deep. Any thought?

    TTFN :D
  2. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Have you asked your neighbors about the ditch? They could tell you what it is for. Maybe runoff of water from snow melting? If you fill it water may back up in your neighbors yard. Where we live it is not legal to fill a natural wash that would back water up on your neighbors property. Maybe you could build a deck over it and garden in front of it. Dooley
  3. i love bugs

    i love bugs The Weatherman of Craggy Island

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Dublin Ireland
    :D What a great subject the ditch of doom
    Its hard to advise , any photos ? The collective brains of Gardenstew will help .
    8) Bugs
  4. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    I have a ditch to deal with also, but mine runs alongside my driveway and has to be left open for runoff - part of the year it's a little creek, the rest it's dry. At this point I've just managed to reclaim it from the mass of blackberry brambles.

    Things I was considering include:

    Finding a hardy slow-growing groundcover that won't end up choking the "creek" when it has water.

    Growing a low hedge of something evergreen along it (so it is not choked by falling leaves)

    Putting in some decorative bunching grass with a weed barrier to keep it from getting into where the water is.

    Decorative rock and a few rock plants.

    Don't know if that's any help...
  5. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    I would think the first step would be to stop the eroding. Theres lots of ground cover you can use for just that. Youll just have to make sure its not something that would choke the water flow.

    I would think if you didnt stop the soil from eroding, whatever you build there would have ill effects from it later. But I dont really know. Just my thoughts. I dont have a ditch tho we could really use one. Own backyard is nothing but standing water.

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