Hey everyone. I'm new, and I was hoping for some help? I'm moving into a different room in the house, and I am allowed to paint the walls and decorate however I wanted. Unfortunately due to the dimensions of the room, I cannot provide an adequate photo. I have decided that I want to do a sort of 'Japanese Theme' thing, and that I want a red feature wall. What I have no clue on is, what shade of red, and what colour the other three walls will be! I really don't want to go just plain 'red and white' since I don't think it suits the concept of Japanese that I am going for. (I'm looking towards the more Western perception of theJapanese) I was thinking a sort of light brown or even another reddy colour (but NOT pink!!!) My new room is sort of a square and the floor will eventually be re-done with floor boards. (Light brown) However I am beginning to re-thing the RED feature wall. But I do know that I want some form of a feature wall. Anywho... I basically am asking for help with colours. Thanks so much to anyone who takes the time to answer. ~Kora.
You can paint a feature wall in a dark ruby red and the rest of the walls in biege or pearl grey. the big paint compamies have simulators that you can use, you can down load your photos , look at their schemes and colours and paint your room on the simulator, it helps to give an idea of the final effect.Alison