On one of my crabapple trees all of the ends of the branches have died, There has been some new growth off of the trunk up through the openings. This spring I added two fertilizer spikes within 6 inches of the trunk. The Trunk is 3 inch diameter There was also one or two branches that completly died. At the beginning of the growing season the leaves were small and the tree did not look healthy. It looks OK now but what do I do with the tree now? I had this tree grafted from an unknown variety that was in my Aunts yard. Many years old. It has died since. From What I have read I should prune the inside branches that have growm this year?? Any help you can give me will be appreciated. JoeM
Hi Joe, Can you recall if blooms turned brown and died prematurely? Did or does the tree have signs of sap ooze, like canker? If so, you may have fire blight, as other symptoms you have mentioned do sound similar. Old fashion trees are susceptible to blight. If and when you prune, keep your pruners sanitized after every cut. Yes, apple trees are typically thinned out from within, leaving one main trunk with several secondary branches, but be careful. Any growth below the graft must come off now, or your tree will eventually be taken over from root stock. Here is some info on fire blight. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7414.html Ron
Hi Ron Thanks for your reply. I can't recall any of the blooms other than the branches that died. The tree produced more fruit this year than any other year. It is about 5 years old. I am sure there was no Sap ooze or canker. I will look more closely. I am planing on prunning it in the next week or two. All of the new growth was in the middle of the tree and what I have read, the middle of the tree should be more open so the sun can get in to rippen the fruit. thanks again
Without seeing pictures it is difficult, but Papa2mykids is right, it does sound like Fire Blight. If you remove any of the wood, make sure that you clean your secaters with methylated spirits or similar before pruning anything else. Burn the infected wood on a very hot fire.
Thanks grownforyou for your reply I have not pruned the tree yet other than the dead branches. I will though take pictures and post them next year if it happens again. Joe