Introducing My Kids

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Prairie Lily, Jul 2, 2006.

  1. Prairie Lily

    Prairie Lily New Seed

    Jul 1, 2006
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    Hi all,

    I'm new to the forums and since I have already introduced myself in a post, I thought I'd introduce my "kids" to you here.

    This is Percy, a.k.a. The Black Devil as my husband calls him. He can be a bit of a bully but he's still my sweetie :) :


    This is Weebles, a.k.a. Weebles the Wonderkitty. That's a story in itself I will share another time :) :


    And last but not least, here is Storm. We adopted her from the local shelter a year ago.


    And there they are. :-D

    Prairie Lily
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    My first impressions:

    Percy - Mischievous, definitely has a dark side
    Weebles - Curious, a bit clumsy but a sweetheart
    Storm - Courageous, heart of gold and loyal.

    Am I right? :D Thanks for posting your lovely pets Prairie Lily :smt023
  4. Prairie Lily

    Prairie Lily New Seed

    Jul 1, 2006
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    Your first impressions were very close. :-D

    Percy is a real going concern, that's for sure. Very territorial, especially where his family is concerned. Weebles is still a kitten at heart. She still chases her tail but is definitely not clumsy. Among her many names is the Leapin' Lunatic for the way she will fly through the air and leap on just about anything! :D Storm is exactly as you describe her and is especially protective of me.

    Prairie Lily
  5. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Not too far off then :D Looks like I have underestimated Weebles. Can't wait to hear her stories.

  6. Prairie Lily

    Prairie Lily New Seed

    Jul 1, 2006
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    Weebles the Wonderkitty

    About a year ago, I was in hospital awaiting surgery. Fortunately, the ward I was on allowed visitors to bring pets to visit, as long as they (the pets :D ) were healthy and restrained. My husband often brought my two cats and it was a joy to have them with me.

    My roommate was an elderly woman who'd had a stroke. She slept most of the time, never moved, never spoke and barely ate when fed. Her prognosis was not very good and her daughters came to spend precious time with her. In talking with them, I discovered my roommate loved cats.

    One day, my husband came to visit and brought my little white cat, Weebles, along. My roommate's daughters were also visiting their mother and a nurse happened to be in the room at the time. I asked the daughters if they would mind if I had Weebles "visit" with their mom. They agreed and the nurse said she would take Weebles and hold her close to my roommate so she wouldn't get scared.

    The instant Weebles was put near my roommate, the woman's eyes opened wide. She stretched out her arm and stroked Weebles and very softly, she said "cat." One of her daughters took her hand and helped her to pet Weebles. Weebles settled right down and purred, obviously enjoying the woman's company.

    Everyone in the room, including the nurse, was in tears. One of the daughters in particular was in awe at the transformation in her mother. She said she hadn't seen that much life in her for a long time. The next day, they brought a stuffed cat that they remembered had belonged to their mother, saying they were grateful for the comfort that Weebles gave their mother.

    When my roommate's daughters had to leave (they were from out of town) they wrote me a lovely note thanking me and thanking Weebles for giving their mother such happiness and for letting them see their mother as they remembered her. It was one of the daughters who christened my little wee cat "Weebles the Wonderkitty."

    I have always been an animal lover and have always known the healing effect animals can and do have on our lives but that was the first time I witnessed such an event personally and with a stranger. It has made me feel very blessed.

    Prairie Lily


  7. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    OH! You had me tearing up! What a wonderful story! And she looks like a real doll!

    What happened to your roommate?
  8. Prairie Lily

    Prairie Lily New Seed

    Jul 1, 2006
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    She really is a doll. :-D She's tiny and light as a feather but she can pack a punch when she wants to... just ask Percy! :D

    Unfortunately, I don't know what happened to my roommate. I was discharged before she was. I can only hope that she's happy wherever she is now.

    Prairie Lily

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