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Please Keep My family in Your thoughts...

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Bluewolf, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Bluewolf

    Bluewolf Seedling

    Sep 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana (zone 5a/b)

    Hope that this is not inappropriate... but I couldn't find a specific place to post it
    I know I am still relatively new here and am still learning

    I have been sitting here reading thru old post on the different forums I belong too trying to
    occupy my mind but.. it is not working and I really need to talk to someones

    My Mom is going in for Surgery tommorrow and I am scared to death.

    It's one of those vain/bloodflow to the legs type things I have no idea what the name is because there are so many

    She has been having problems for the past nine months bouncing from specialist to specialist having all kinds of different tests done
    and now they have come down to this point

    I have a friend in Canada who had a simular proceedure done in two segments this year the second one just the beginning of this month

    She is a worrier really bad and has been getting herself pretty upset off and on over the past few months

    She was already nervous about tommorrow,and I got a call from her yesterday to tell me a very close family friend who had a simular procedure done earlier last week died Friday night
    Now she is a real basket case I couldn't get her to calm down

    I tossed and turned most of the night finally giving up and getting out of bed at 2:30 and have just been sitting here stressing out

    My BF and I are both unemployed me since May 7th,him since July 3rd
    we have about $600 left between the two of us and the bills are past due and the house payment ($560) is due in two days and we are trying to figure out what we are gonna do

    I have had one interview that fell thru he has had two with no prospects
    and it is not looking very promising for our future

    Please send your "what-nots" my way

    I am trying to be strong and stay positive but it is getting harder and harder to not just break down and cry and if I start to cry that's it


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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Galway, Ireland
    Hi Bluewolf, I'll be keeping your Mom in my thoughts. I'm sure everything will turn out fine.

    Regarding employment, what type of work would you like? I know it sounds cliche but there are always options if you look hard enough. Maybe you could tap into some skill that you have but never actually thought would be useful in a job situation?

    *sending you a big virtual hug*
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Hiyah BW--
    I am sorry to hear of your mum's worrying. Sometimes the worrying can be worse than the medical problem, itself.
    I don't understand exactly what she has or what the surgeons plan to do. Are they planning to remove a segment of her veins?

    I do not know the employment/un-imployment situation over there. I wonder if the bank people would be willing to re-finance your mortgage so that your monthly payments will be less.

    I hope that you two can at least fiond part-time jobs...that way two part-time jobs could equal one full salry.

    I don't have much advice for you, but what I do have alot of is cyber-support. Have a big hug [​IMG]
  5. Bluewolf

    Bluewolf Seedling

    Sep 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana (zone 5a/b)
    AAWW thanks for the hug Frank it helped

    I hope you are right and she will be O.K.

    As far as employment..

    BF has alot of different options (He just needs to try harder)
    I on the other hand do not.

    I am a Gulf War Navy Disabled American Veteran
    I had a really bad accident back in '90
    which resulted in bad knees and a very bad back.
    I can not lift more than 40 lbs., stand in one place for longer than 15 min nor sit in one place for longer than 20

    I have extremely bad allergies/respiratory distress so office work/department store/some health care feilds are out of the question

    for 15 years of my working life I worked in warehousing/forklift operations
    4 years in the Nav I did various jobs working around my injuries for 3 of them
    The past 3 years I did the Home Improvement store gigs working for Lowes,Home Depot and my last job was for a store Called Menards mostly Garden Center
    and one year in the flooring department

    Warehouse work these days require you to be able to lift 65-70 pounds even if you never do, plus with my years of experience I am "over qualified" and most employers are under the assumption that I would want to much money

    Retail work.. I am how do I put this...
    I appear to "intimidating"
    I am a "built" 5'10" female with extreme mitlitary bearing, and carry myself with extreme pride, even with an extreme limp in my gate

    I am probably one of the sweetest,kindest,freindliest, most respectful people you could ever meet but, basically since I am not "cute and adorable".....
    My last job at Menards.. my store manager was "4 ft not enough" and HE was scared to death of me

    Healthcare: since I have such severe resiratory distress the only place I could possible work would be food service preparing the trays to go up to the rooms

    I have a councelor from the VA that is trying to get me an internship in food service at the local VA hospital (6 minutes away)
    But it's the government so it takes time

    I have probably filled out over 150 applications over the past 5 months so it's not for a lack of trying
    it's just employers now a days are looking for younger,less qualified, "disposable" employees

    I have even applied for a "character" position
    at "Chuck E Cheese" and I don't even like kids

    But thanks for thinking


  6. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I'm sure your mom will come through with flying colors. Surgery is scary because of all the stories you hear about it and how this one and that one had it and died anyway. Sometimes I wish there wasn't a wait at all. They could just tell you they are taking you to have your toe nail cut or something and get it over with. I'd avoid hospitals if I could.
    Finding a job is tough for a healthy person these days. My sister is on unemployment. She had a census job and got laid off. With the census coming up you'd have thought she'd have a job for a long while yet. Good luck with your search. I hope things improve much for you. dooley
  7. Bluewolf

    Bluewolf Seedling

    Sep 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana (zone 5a/b)
    Thanks Honies

    Yeah My Mom really worries and a lot of times for nothing that's what is scaring me the most
    That she will "MAKE" herself worse

    it has something to do with putting "stints" in possibly removing some of the veins I don't remember anymore

    the house is still in his mothers name
    They have been trying to get refinanced for the past 2 weeks with nothing (only owe $10,000 and then it's paid off)

    I have applied for full time/part time/emp/seasonal gigs and nothing

    Thanks for the "Huggie" they help more than you know
  8. Bluewolf

    Bluewolf Seedling

    Sep 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana (zone 5a/b)
    Thank You Dooley :)
  9. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Hi there Bluewolf,

    Sorry to hear of the problems you're having finding work. I know how depressing it can be filling in application forms and getting nowhere fast. Hang in there as I'm sure there's a job out there that's just the one for you. :-D

    I'll be thinking of your mum tomorrow when she undergoes surgery but I'm sure everything will be just fine. The stress of waiting for an op is sometimes much worse that the actual surgery. People certainly don't help by telling the one going into hospital all the 'horror stories' about operations they've heard of that have, supposedly, gone wrong. :-x
    I've had a few major ops in my time and have come through them with flying colours.
    Tell your mum we're all here wishing her all the very best. Do let us know how she is after her op won't you?
  10. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    Wolfie, here in Ohio, each county has a Veterans service office. Ours has a listing of local companies that supports veterans and will hire them over other people. They basicly put vets in touch with other vets that are in a position to help them. I would check to see if you have something similar there in Indiana and your county.
  11. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Bluewolf, sending positive, healing energies your way.

    My Mom is a worrier too but it was caused by an undiagnosed severe anxiety disorder. Proper medication for it has made her an almost new person, hopefully your Mom can talk to her family doctor about it.

    The job market is poor around here too. Is there a college near you? Sometimes there are grad students who are looking for someone to type term papers or thesis papers for them....correct their spelling, grammar, that sort of thing. Maybe even some of the instructors/professors could use someone to type of reports, etc for them.

    Cyber hugs coming your way.
  12. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I'm so sorry for your situation, Bluewolf. *big hug* My thoughts will be with your mother tomorrow. I'm certain she'll come through just fine, but of course all the worrying will sap her strength. Good luck with finding some kind of employment. I hope something will turn up quickly.
  13. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    Big hugs out to your family BW. I've already said a
    prayer for your Mom. Sorry to hear about her friend who passed away. I hope the Vet services in your area can help you in some way. Is it possible that
    a doctor could help put you on disability due to all
    of your combined health issues?
    I was laid off in April so I kinda know how you feel
    about the job market.
  14. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Texas ~ Zone 8
    Wolfie, sending postive cyber thoughts and prayers to your mother and you. You didn't say if you will be there with your mother or not. I know that must be stressing you both out if you are not near. I remember a sign I saw in my dentist office when I was about twelve. It said..."Worry kills more people that work, because more people tackle it". I'm sure your mother will come through with flying colors.

    As far as your job situation. I was also going to suggest that maybe your doctor could help you get on disability. Sounds like you have more than enough in terms of ailments that would qualify you. You can always file for disability and if you are turned down, file again.

    The refinance rates are at their best in many years. Hopefully your BF can get some good news soon.

    You always have friends here at GS. Anytime you have something you need to talk about, we are here. ;)
  15. blondcat

    blondcat New Seed

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Hi bluewolf, my thoughts are with you in this trying time. I hope all works out for you.
    Remember sometimes in the worst situations some amazing things can happen. Keep up the hope.
    I am also not working and it is hard coping with all the rejection, but sometimes by having a good cry you can work through your feelings and pick yourself up again.

    sending you a virtual hug and thinking of you.
  16. Bluewolf

    Bluewolf Seedling

    Sep 7, 2009
    Likes Received:
    NE Indiana (zone 5a/b)
    Thank you for all the kind thoughts/suggestions/prayers/ and especially the hugs

    I am not a religous person so I put more faith in friendship and hugs to help me thru bad times

    Her Femeral Bypass surgery (finally found out which one it was)

    Has been postponed until tommorrow
    There were two heart surgeries that took presidence over hers
    She seemed to be a little bit more calm yesterday afternoon when I talked to her

    I am going to try and get an appointment with the Veterans Services Officer downtown

    BF informed me last night that he is gonna list our house with some guy who buys houses
    (he bought BF's Mom's house)

    I don't wanna move!!!!
    Especially this time of year :(

    I will keep y'all posted

    Thanks again ((((HUG))))


    Oh yeah, I will not be there the day of the surgery
    there will be nothing for me to do and I can't sit still very long. My Stepdad is supposed to call me as soon as the Doctor comes out and tells him she is O.K.

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