I know this has been a past subject (I was unable to find the right post) I have been a bit lazy this winter and haven't even gotten my winter containers out yet. Zone 4. My question is this- Would I still have enough time if I did them now? We still have the rest of January and all of Feb and March. I would like to do some Holly Hocks, Wild Sweet Peas, some Cannas, And maybe some Delphiniums, I beleive these all have to be wintered over. Right? moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic moderator's note: moved topic to more appropriate forum
I guess what I do is considered winter sowing...I have a small patch in the back yard that I plant seeds in every Autumn. This allows the seeds the cold period they need to germinate. When they are big enough I put them out in the garden. I don't use containers, but the ground. I let mother nature take care of everything for me
hi petunia, netty! sorry i missed this post before. petunia, yes, it's not too late to winter sow. infact, i am preparing to do mine now too. i usually do it in the middle of december during the winter solstice, but it has been so warm here and little snow. in a few days we are cooling off, so timing is perfect. here's the site where there's lots of info on it. i just did it for the first time last year, so am still a newbie. had great success tho! http://www.wintersown.org/
Winter sowing I am definitely trying my hand at winter sowing this year. Good luck to you if you decide to do so! Jeannie moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Oh isn't this timely... I was just thinking today "where could I put a table inside to start some seeds???" But I have 6 large containers outside. I think I'll try wintersowing the things I was going to start inside. Thanks for this.