For the Love of Gardening

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by desertflower, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    We all love gardening (or we probably wouldn't be here a GS). I thought it would be fun to describe what we love about gardening and why. For me it is so many different things.

    To me gardening is, probably the most fulfilling hobby I could have. It allows creativity on so many levels. It's both challenging and rewarding. I can get "lost" in it for hours. One of the things I like about it is it is always a work in progress. It is so forgiving.

    Although I have never met a plant I didn't like, I think part of that comes from having been in the desert up till now. Not much worry about invasive plants taking over, with the exception of puncture vine and tumble weeds. Of course here in OK I may not like all plants, especially the poison ivy, oaks and sumacs.

    Planning is mentally stimulating (I love research)

    The smell of freshly turned earth is so refreshing and exhilarating!

    Planting gives you something to look forward to. Takes me back to childhood and reminds me of the feelings of expectancy and excitement as in an upcoming holiday or Birthday.(You know, when life was simple, less stress, less stimulation and small things seemed big)

    Gardening alone is a great time for relaxing, meditating and just enjoying nature. Somehow it is not lonely...gardening alone

    Gardening with someone is a great time for sharing appreciation, ideas and sitting back to admire the fruits of your labor.

    Even the physical part is rewarding, you get to burn calories and after a good workout during the day, I so much more appreciate quitting time and relaxing knowing I have done something that will benefit in the long run.

    Then, when things start coming together and start blooming and producing there is such a feeling of accomplishment.

    Add in some bird feeders,garden junk (My favorite) and anything else you desire (because it is your space)you have the opportunity to have your own little piece of the world, that you created.

    Size doesn't really matter. You do what you can with what you have. Whether is it a few pots to an acre, you are the artist. I can't imagine my life without some form of garden. It's more than growing things, it is an addition to life that affords therapy and enjoyment in so many ways. It can also be pleasant to all of the senses.

    The dormant season is just to let you get re-excited in the spring and start over

    Of course there can be things that are not all pleasant in gardening, but we can save that for another post.

    I would love to hear what gardening translates into for you. Who knows, I may find a few more reasons to love it.
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  3. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    My first love was vegetable gardening. I remember planting it in the spring with my Mom from a very young age. My favorite part of course was harvesting and eating the veggies. I can't imagine a year without home grown tomatoes, beans, peppers and salad greens, and my garden seems to expand each year. It wasn't until we bought our current home that I really got obsessed with flower gardens ... with 2.5 acres to play with I suddenly found myself putting new beds in all over the yard! Gardening is something I find both stimulating and relaxing. My favorite time is early in the morning out in my gardens, peaceful, just me and the birds and the blooms. I agree that gardening alone isn't lonely.
  4. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    desertflower, very nice post! You managed to put it all into just the right words!
    I love the anticipation of seeing plants come back to life in the spring, and dreaming of what will be next, because of course, gardening is never done! :stew1: :stew2:
  5. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Thankss. My first love has always been flowers. Growing up I was always interested in gardening, even though it was not a big thing in our family life. I remember at age 12, I was allowed to order bulbs from MBC. I ordered 250 bulbs, and happily planted everyone of them (upside down)! Took them forever to come up. That was my first planting adventure.

  6. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    I love your post on gardening. Gardening is a breath of life and you expressed it so very well.
  7. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I learnt to love gardening as a child with my maternal Grandad, who is still a keen gardener. He used to have a very long, wide garden with a selection of fruit trees, a lovely fruit cage packed with berries, a veggie garden, and masses and masses of traditional herbacious perrenials. I used to love helping him potter, and of course, pick the fruits, veggies and lots of flowers for the house.

    I am not an indoors person - I get itchy fingers, and become very bored. I love the fresh air, the sights and the sounds. I welcome every season and enjoy what each month has to offer. The freshness of spring, and the immense joy as those first bulbs and seedlings, often weeds :) poke their noses bravely through the cold, wet ground. Then as spring goes on, the colours, so many golds, and of course, the birds doing their thing, and the frogs and toads, and just about everything else. As summer rolls along, I enjoy how gardening does slow down a little. Those long hot days, knowing that at dusk I would be lugging watering cans around. The first harvests in early summer of fresh salads, and those first precious new potatoes. Autumn could be a sad time as the leaves start to turn and fall, but I enjoy the new coloured coats the trees wear and the late flowers of dahlias and the various grasses I grow. I like tidying up, clearing beds, mulching and putting to bed, and planning what and where for next year. Winter brings the different weather, be it wet or frosty and snowy, but this is okay to. The frost covered naked trees are beautiful glistening in the clear crisp days, and on wet dreary days I can be found in the green house or conservatory, pottering.

    I don't think I became a gardener, I fear I was born with mud under my finger nails and latin names stuck in my brain, and I love it! :)
  8. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Thanks for the star. However after reading my original post I nearly deleted it thinking maybe it was a little cheesy ;)
  9. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    No, no!! It's a great post and generating interesting responses! I've been enjoying pondering them all day...
  10. desertflower

    desertflower Seedling

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Thanks. I have been enjoying hearing what others think/feel also!
  11. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I love gardening because I get to grow things, I can get dirty without anybody objecting and my mind can ponder lots of things while I do the mindless work of weeding or digging, or I can just sit with my coffee and stare blankly into a newly opened bloom.

    I love the diversity of the plants we grow. Some look so alien I wonder why they've evolved like that, and others are so pretty that I never tire of looking at them.

    The best thing about gardening is that we're never done. It's a life-long hobby that easily can turn into a life style if we're not careful.
  12. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    :stew2: "A love of gardening is a seed, once sown, that never dies" :stew2:

    As a child I loved to visit my grandparents gardens. We played hide and seek and climbed in their fruit trees. It always seemed like a magical place with all the flowers and pathways dividing the different gardens. My grandparents always came to visit us with flowers, plants & shrubs to transplant into our garden. :stew2:

    When I married and had a home of my own :-D , my first garden was populated with transplants from their garden. When we moved to new homes, I would dig up my favorites and move them with me. They have been deceased for many years but these memories and plants are still with me. :stew2:

    When I work in my garden I feel a since of pride and accomplishment of what has bloomed and thrived. A garden is an individual expression of love. A part of my heart resides in the garden. I love flowers, trees, the wild life that visits...I am so ready for Spring! :stew2:
  13. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    this is what gardening is to me in the '90s...

    i am an artist at heart...
    but lately i seem to be changing my part....

    instead of pen to paper for my colorful strokes...

    i`m enjoying painting the real landscape outside with dirt, seeds, rocks and jokes........

    fingers and toes mingling with the dirt...

    help from a rake, shovel, a hoe would not hurt....

    without my partners, i`d be lost..

    i wouldn`t trade them for any cost...

    my pups Hope and Chow guard my garden day and night...

    from unwanted critters who they chase with such delight....

    the pups spend all day with me by the outskirts of the garden...

    what better company to have, i beg your pardon.....

    and my partner Ed, who keeps our equipment going...

    what would i do without his mechanical knowing....

    why i garden you might ask...

    i suppose you think it`s a great big task.......

    to me it brings a smile...

    that lasts all day and is so worth while....

    oh yes, there`s all those bugs...

    a wet season sure brings on the slugs....

    and oh, when down goes the sun...

    one sure knows the work`s all done....

    aching muscles and a tightened back...

    there`s always tomorrow and more work, there`s no lack....

    but what about the pleasures that be...

    they can`t only be seen by me....

    the hummingbird who takes a bath...

    in the way of my watering hose path....

    i say to hummer, "please move on"...

    i`ve got more plants to put water upon....

    how about seeing a big brown toad...

    who hops around, makes me laugh and lightens my load....

    and the dragonfly who`s on my hose sipping water...

    lets me know it`s midday and getting hotter....

    that means it`s time to take a lunch break..

    i just hate to stop for goodness sake.... it`s afternoon and i spy Mr.Mole...

    who`s sitting in the sun beside his hole...

    i say to him "leave some for me"...

    and before i know it he does flee....

    i hear the corn whistling in the wind on high...

    i am amazed that it`s truly as high as an elephant`s eye....

    in the afternoon sun, i grab Pa`s old hoe...

    thinking to myself "go weeds go"....

    then i pick up gram`s old rake...

    where it goes there is no mistake....

    i`ve got another fence post to pound...

    i want security from intruders all around....

    i pick up dad`s old rusty hatchet...

    and hammer away, for pounding nothing can match it....

    the sun is slowly going down...

    and peepers come out and make their sound....

    while heading back to the house...

    i trip over what looks like a mouse....

    then i glance to the right...

    and much to my amazement and delight...

    the carnations i planted for gramps...

    are glowing like well lit little lamps....

    and then a wondrous sight my eyes do see...

    for grandma the little, now big, willow tree....

    oh yes, i can`t forget the little sturdy oak planted for daddy..

    its leaves are so red, and in years to come it will be quite a laddy....

    after dinner i slowly fall asleep...

    thinking of all the sights i saw in the garden to keep....

    lady bugs and butterflies, too...

    now don`t you want to garden, i think you do!:O)
  14. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Now, that was fun reading your poem! :) Well put!
  15. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    thanks kay! it really is how we garden here amongst all the critters and such, and our ancient relatives' tools! :D
  16. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    I love this topic. Love reading all the responses. Getting my thoughts together. It means so much to me, I have had to think it through.

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