The Spider Plant that I bought was actually 4 plants in one! I repotted 2 of them, together, in a nice container (pic in My Garden-My Houseplants album) and then repotted the other 2 - each in their own pot. I probably should've planted the single ones in smaller pots but I was unable to find any pots that I could hang from the ceiling. (This city makes me so darn mad for shopping - for anything!!!) Anyway, is there an ivy or something that I can plant together with the Spiders, to help fill the pot a bit more?? As you can see, it will be quite awhile before this guy fills the pot. Or, should I put the 2 single ones back together in one of these new pots? I have English ivy that is going to need a transplant soon so I was wondering how it would do in with a Spider plant. Single Spider Plant ( photo / image / picture from Barbara92021's Garden )
I think they like to be potbound and that is when they send out their little offshoots of spider babies. You could put a couple more back in.
Yes I agree too. You do need to have a lot of plants in the pot for a spider plant to do well. I love my spider plant, it looks so pretty with all the little plants coming off of it. I hope yours will soon be as pretty!
I have had this sort of "Spider Plamt" many times over the years and have grown them singly in a pot (like you have shown) and in groups of three. They all did well. I hung them from off the wall, the ceiling and placed them on the outer corner on the top of a tall bookcase. I discovered that if allowed to become rootbound that is the signal for the mother plant to start developing and growing 'runners' with new spider plants on the ends. Sometimes I clipped these off and began new plants, somethimes I found that the plant looked more charming with the little spiders on runners arching here and there. The Spider plant likes lots and lots of indirect sunlight--they thrive best in it. Direct sunlight may burn and damage the leaves. Personally, I would not add the ivy to the spider plant to compete for the food in the soil. I suppose it is a personal choice.
drissel122, Bluewing0, and live2garden: Thank you to each of you for replying. I like it when people agree on something! :-D You made me realize that my thot of putting the 2 back together was the right way to go. Sjoerd: And then you came along with your great info, too! Thankyou! I will plant the 2 single plants together. I did a Google search (when I first got this plant) about taking care of Spider Plants and found tons of pretty good info. But, there is always some question that I have, that is impossible to find an answer for in a Google search. :-D
Good luck with your plants there. Why don't you send another picture later on in the summer when they are well on their way to establishing themselves. Those plants shouldn't be too difficult to manage--just a minimum of care and they'll be fine.
Sjoerd: Thankyou. I was thinking of doing that with all my plants. This is such a wonderful group and it will be nice to share how all these new plants do. I just got back into having a variety of different houseplants after 8 yrs of having only cacti and succulents. My daughters wonder if it will be like it was when they were small! They tell people it was like living in a botanical garden! I have to admit that I did have an overabundant amount of plants in every room of our home.