Wandering Jew needs trimming

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by Barbara92021, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. Barbara92021

    Barbara92021 New Seed

    Feb 23, 2010
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    BC Canada
    When I bought this Wandering Jew, it was very, very full and hung almost into our jacuzzi tub! I trimnmed some of it and put the pieces in a glass of water. It didn't take many days before I saw the first of little roots starting.

    Now, the places where I pulled off damaged leaves, I can see new shoots have started growing like crazy. Plus the length of this thing is getting beyond crazy! Is it OK to break more of the long ones off and get them started rooting, too? A friend suggested I pull them up and wind them around the chains hanging down but all I could visualize is a major mess of vines over vines and twisted together! Wouldn't it be better to lop them off and plant them back once they have roots?

    That brings me to my next question: How many roots should the ones in water have before I plant them back in the pot? Right now they are just little thread-like hairs and I'm not sure if that is enuf.

    Wandering Jew ( photo / image / picture from Barbara92021's Garden )
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  3. Bluewing0

    Bluewing0 Seedling

    Feb 13, 2010
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    Upstate NY

    That's a really a nice wondering jew you have. The green with the white stripes look good together :-D

    It could probably use a little bit more light from above which should keep the top looking more full with less bare spaces :stew2:
    Cuttings from this plant root rather quickly in soil (within days) I like to use 6"-7" cuttings from most plants, not too long, or too short :p
    You would probably be ok to plant the ones in water back into the soil or, let them grow roots to about a 1/2" first, either way you go should work ok :stew1: I wish ALL plants rooted as easily and as quickly as wondering jews do!
  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Appears to need more light and a good hair cut. It is sparse at soil level because all of it's energy has been going into making long vines.

    It will grow back quickly so trimming it back to just barely over the lip of the pot will give it a good chance to fill out. More light will mean larger leaves and closer spaced leaves along the vine so it will be much bushier.
  5. Barbara92021

    Barbara92021 New Seed

    Feb 23, 2010
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    BC Canada
    Bluewing0 and toni:

    Thankyou for your replies. It is right under a big skylight so it gets tons of light from above. There are no other windows in that bathroom so it will have to stay right where it is.

    I will plant those cuttings in the middle of the pot where there are so few vines growing. Also, I will trim those long vines and get them rooting, too.

    When I read that more light will mean larger, and closer spaced, leaves I remembered where it was in the store! LOL It didn't get very much light at all so no wonder the newer leaves were so small. Will see what happens over the next few weeks!

    Sure are lots of little ones starting near the top, where I had lopped off the scraggly vines to begin with.

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