I have several very large floor plants. Some I have in nice pots, others still in the black plastic I bought them in. Does anyone have good ideas for inexpensive ways to make pots or cover these. I've thought of fabric tied around the middle, but would like something more durable and beautiful as several are in my living room. My son is getting married this spring so I need to be economical. I appreciate all ideas. Thanks!
Hello, You can: 1) Paint it 2) Since the plastic pots are black, embellish with faux jewels, colorful sticker with flowers or any other background that might be on sale. You can embellish it with i) 2 bands (one just below the pot rim and one band at the middle range of the pot) go around the pot ii) stick it all over and mix the colors up (or just one color to match your decor) iii) Glue one thick ribbon near the top rim of the pot and one band of embellishment around the middle of the pot. 3) Get some silk or real flowers/leaves and glue them around it. Use non toxic glue. It will come off easily. 4) Go to the hobby store and get some trimmings for lamps/curtains or nice frills and glue it near to the top of the pot rim. Hope these tips help...and...have fun!!
To help save money, you could get some contact paper or some material. This way you could always change it, to give a different look if you wanted to. Not a lot of work and would look very nice.
You can get some of the tube foam outdoor water pipe cover (don't know how else to describe it , it has a slit down the length. Cut a piece that will fit the circumference of the pot top edge and slip it on. Paint the pot and the foam with a color that matches or coordinates with your decor. Buy a reed fence panel from HD or Lowes. Cut it length wise a little wider than the height of the pots. Cut those strips into lengths that will go around the pot. Use wire to connect the two edges, if those edges are placed against the wall or furniture they won't be seen.
If you want to change the pot they are in try 3,4 or 5 gallon buckets. A lot of them you find have rims around the top that can be cut off to shorten them. This would also give you a nice clean surface to add your decorations to before you repot the plants. Bamboo cut in half lenghwise glued onto the pot would look really cool also. Just make sure to rough up any bucket/pot with sand paper so everything sticks to it better, rougher the sand paper the better.
Lots of neat ideas! - Maybe look in the table linens area of Target or Pier I. I bought a rustic looking table runner a while back (Pier I or Crate and Barrel...can't remember which now) that looks like sticks wired together. It would work as a wrap for the pots. I've seen placemats that have interesting textures at Target. - I was thinking that wrapping the pot with artificial turf that you can buy by the yard at Home Depot would be whimsical... not sure it would work if you have a traditional home decor but it might be cute somewhere! - Have you seen those tubular cement forms made of very very heavy cardboard or chipboard? Home Depot or Lowes. They can be cut with a saw to the height you like and used as a sleeve around the pot (just slip the pot down into it). You can decorate or paint however you like. You can even spread plaster over the surface of the form in a texture and then paint or stain it. Stained plaster can look really cool -- like wood, terra cotta, metal, stone, depending on the colors you use. You can also stick things into the plaster for a mosaic effect -- stones, shells, glass pieces, broken china.... Seal with a sealer afterwards.
Go to the thrift store.You can find skirts. I covered a pot once with a black sequined skirt,elastic waist,very elegant.You can find all sizes and fabrics. Leather,Leopard print,did that loved it for years on an old outdated vase.I have since taken it off and painted the vase for another lifetime.the secret is the elastic waist,but if it doesn't fit ,just cut it from top to bottom and put in a few holes and lace it up in the back with cord.I'm sending a picture,I grew my own flowers and then recycled an old piece of beautiful fabric,wrapped it around a very outdated pink plastic throw away vase. A gift of my flowers,for a friend. ( photo / image / picture from Lil Bug's Garden )