Hi Muddy and I must say what an interesting first post I don't think we have had anyone introduce themselves with a photo before I like the overturned wheelbarrow idea very much. Welcome to the Stew! Have you read the GardenStew Starter Pack yet? You will love it here
Hi Muddy , Welcome to the Stew world.We have lots of fun here.I can't wait to see more pictures.Love the wheelbarrow.
Thanks for the warm welcome. This seems like a nice place. I hope you don't mind another picture. I've only recently learned how to do this and I like to practice! Muddy [/img]
Nice globe thistles. That's gotta be maltese cross - I don't know of anything else quite that color...
Love your garden & the wheelbarrow idea. Now I'll be on the lookout for one at a garage sale. Thanks!
Garden looks great. I like the wheelbarrow also. I like to use "different" things in my gardens, especially found or free things. Have you seen my post in shade garden with the old door?
Globe thistles and crocosmia "Lucifer" with some Lychnis coronaria (I think. My mum calls it rose campion) over by the rhody. I did see that nice shade garden with the door. I also like using objects in the garden. On the other side of the wheelbarrow are a lot of large hostas peeking out from amongst a variety of old bikes, trikes and old farm implements. A well meaning friend brought us an old toilet. I made the hubby put it out of the way, behind his bonsais. He planted the tank and filled the bowl with water for our dogs. It doesn't look as bad as I had imagined it would. Then he packed home an old fire hydrant for the dog yard. Good sense of humour, that man. muddy
We love seeing photos!!! Welcome to the Stew!! I look forward to seeing more of your very interesting and pretty flower garden!! I really like your wheelbarrow also!! ~~Julie~~
Welcome! I had lettuce in my wheelbarrow earlier in the year. Now, it's full and overflowing with morning glories, which I didn't plant. I was going to put more lettuce in it, but if something is growing in all this heat, I'm not pulling it out. Dooley