Well once again we are all getting ready to enjoy the outdoors after a long hard winter. YEA! As we go into the outdoors be prepared for a fierce mosquito season. I just want everyone to be aware of the dangers of using products containing the pesicide DEET. Bringing this to your awareness is truly a public service since it seems like everyone we speak with are not aware that not only does Deet cause nervous system disorders, coma and even death in rare cases, it also absorbs into your bloodstream. moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Thanks for bringing this to attention. Awareness about chemicals which are hazardous to wildlife is important.
2 of the best natural alternatives to using chemicals is calendula and yarrow. Calendula i found out by accident. I make salve for cuts and burns with it, and found out by accident that all the mosqitoes also were repelled by it. Yarrow is everywhere, and can be found everywhere just about in the world. Not only is yarrow good for cuts and such but if you take the flowers and crush up in your hands then use the oils now on your hands and wipe on the exposed areas of your body, it acts as a natural repelent. Because of sweating, you may need to apply as many times as needed, but it does work. Also for those nights when just sitting around in the yard or near water, if you pick some and just lay around you, mosquitoes will not bother you. The trick is you have to release the oils in the flowers for it to work, so just having sit near some won't do it.
I use two kinds of sprays....Peppermint and Rubbing Alcohol or Witch Hazel, Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon Grass E.O. I have never used DEET, even before the harmful affects were widely known.