I don't have a pic,,but i do have a Bjørnebær bush in the making. Bjørnebær is Bear Berry or as you may know as Blackberry. Its little still so that is why i say in the making.
I had catnip until the cats decided to love it too much. The bee-balm is called horse mint here, but has only just started sprouting. The Erythroniums are called dog's teeth. We've got a butterfly bush too. There's probably more but I can't think of them. Too early.
But of course. Dogwood, tiger lilies and hens'n'chicks. And lion's tooth - dandelion. The oxalis are called cuckoo sourgrass, so that's one I guess. Fritillaria, that's lapwing eggs. Cow bells are cow bells in Norwegian too.
How about my bells of Ireland My cockscomb My skunkcabbage My Pussywillow tree ......(mine died) have weeping one now. moderator's note: retyped part of post to include proper use of both upper and lower case letters
I did have a spider plant and a dogwood tree before. Of course I have plenty of dandelions every spring
I have: Toadlilies, dogwood, hens and chicks, fox and cubs, butterfly bushes, zebra grass, foxgloves and monkey flowers in the garden. Some of our wild plants too: goatsbeard, crabapples, sheep'e bit, mare's tail, catchfly, goosegrass, horsemint, hart's tongue, and crow's foot. In the house I only have a dragon tree.
Wow, isnt that funny , how we never thought of it . Animals in flower. bali I may have to copy all them an laugh for months. :-D