I made this one day while I was bored. It represents the many adventures my friend and I have had out in the woods and the walking sticks we used along the way. It was originally just meant as something to do while I was bored, but my friend/roommate thought it was kinda cool, so we hung it on the wall. The two things hanging on either side of the structure are bark headbands we made one day. Walking Stick Art ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )
Well I think your walking stick art is cool! My Bob and I have many walking sticks to use while we do our walks in the woods. So good for wacking away brush, and wouldn't want to come upon an unfriendly critter without one! My favorite one is made of Osage Orange and is worn smooth by use. We have an old milk can full of them, I guess that is art too!
That's a very cool wall decoration, very personal with lots of meaning for you....the way decor should be
I love this. I often pick up a walking stick while I stroll the neighborhood and nearby woods. I never thought of a bark headband though...love it.