Hello everyone, I am a 29 year old mother of a 3 year old boy. I recently got married and living in a house for the first time, where I can do what I want to do in the yard. This is my first time trying to start a garden. I am hoping to learn so much from all the gardners on this site. I am so excited to be here and ready to learn anything anyone can provide me the knowledge of. Thank you all in advance for any help you provide!!
Welcome and Happy Gardening! I bet you will have a blast being able to take ownership of your outdoor space :-D
Hi Daysmommy, welcome to GardenStew from north Texas. A new garden is always so much fun....it can be a little daunting but with some planning and digging it will all come out great. What kind of gardening do you want to do...herbs, flowers, veggies....all of the above?
I have some flower gardens in the front yard. I am also trying a water garden just having some problems figuring out how to keep the water bug free but allow the plants to live in there. I have also started an avacodo tree in my house. In my back yard I am trying to start a veggie garden. I also have an area that gets no sun and it is always damp. I would like to find away to make that more presentable then just a spot of mud. But I am not sure what to put in that area that will grow without any sun reaching that area.
Lots of plans and isn't it fun to be making them? As for the water garden, I use an assortment of pots to hold different water plants and have noticed that between the birds drinking out of them and having to add water to them almost daily there hasn't been a bug problem. I do have some Mosquito Dunks/Granules that I sprinkle in them just in case too. Click Here to find a list of shade, moist soil loving plants we have in our database. Lots of them, just find ones that are hardy in your zone.
Thank you for the suggestions I seen a couple of them that I would love try to have back in that area. I like the Hybrid Fuchsia that is very pretty and my favorite color :-D .
Hi there daysmommy - good to have you here at GardenStew with us. Welcome to our forums from West Lothian in Scotland. :-D
Hello daysmommy and welcome to the Stew from the north-west coast of Norway. Hop in and make yourself at home.
A big warm welcome to the Stew from Georgia, Daysmommy. For your water garden try some goldfish if it's deep enough. They should keep the water pretty clean from bugs.
Thank you for the idea Jon, However, I am not sure if it is deep enough. It is a little plastic pond outline that I received from a neighbor that was moving out and they could not take it with them. However they let it sit there and it got a bunch of algea in it. I had a hard time getting it put in my yard and all the algea out of the pond base itself.