Rusty brown spots and holes in my rose leaves?

Discussion in 'Trees, Shrubs and Roses' started by daisybeans, May 8, 2010.

  1. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    annapolis md
    Rose questions for my rose expert friends, folks...

    Last year, my roses had terrible black spot. It was worse because I didn't know what it was so I didn't treat it until it was pretty far gone. This year, I'm trying to be a little more pro-active so sprayed them yesterday with an organic fungicide/insecticide/miticide. They look MUCH better than last year. A few leaves had black spot so I removed them.

    HOWEVER, some leaves have rusty brown spots -- is that another type of fungus?

    Also, something is eating holes in the leaves... An insect of some sort?

    Besides spraying, anything else I could do?

    I'm determined to bring these roses back to full health. They've been fed with rose food too.

    Thanks in advance, guys!
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  3. margie12u

    margie12u In Flower

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Sick Hydrangea

    Hello to everyone on this very very hot evening, It is 97 here in Mauckport Indiana, I was wondering what make the leaves on my hydrangea have big brown spots on them, any help would be appreciated.They were great and all of a sudden whamo!! Not just one or two all of them. :-? Please help!

  4. Papa2mykids

    Papa2mykids Seedling

    Aug 19, 2006
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    Kentwood, Michigan
    With this heat, humidity and rains, fungus are rampant this year

    Rust is yet another species of fungus and must be treated as such.

    Fungicides will arrest the problem, but not get rid of what is already there.

    Pick off foliage if you can.

    Regular treatments will keep it under control.

    Insecticide may be needed for holes.

    Hydrangea may have burn spots from water sitting on foliage and working much like a magnifying glass with the sun and scorches the tender leaf.

    A common problem with rain and over head watering.

    Hope this helps.

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