I grew these babies from seed this sumer and I am so proud of them! They germinated so well and have done just great! I germinated a bunch more in a flower bed outside too but gave away most of those now. Some times we work realy hard to accomplish goals we have with our gardening and when we have successes it is so sweet. This is one of my sweet things Taller ones to the back are P.flavicarpa, the shorter ones in front with the narrower leaves are P.coccinea.
Happy for you RiverRock. Maybe you could share your germination techniques in a new topic (maybe in the Gardening Other forum?). I'm sure it would be useful.
Thank you Frank..sure I can do a new topic on germination. I will do it in the morning as I am so tired right now and want to get s few winks of sleep while I can
I'll look forward to hearing all about how you went about growing your Passifloras Riverrock. I'm sure it will be a big help to many of our membrs. :-D
Thank you I will post soon. I have to transition my baby squirrel to a new formula today as he reacted to the other..but i will make a post on the passifloras soon as I get a chance
My Passaflora are a beautiful purple and growing in leaps and bounds.I admit I've never tried to germinate any seeds as the dry weather effects the seeds and they fall of before ready all still green inside.I don't need the seeds as the plants always come back.
Do you get fruits on your passifloras?? If so I would love to pay you postage for a few..let me know please.
If I ever get fruit to mature I would gladly share.I will try to get a plant for you as they come up in the yard but by this time of year the vines are to long.I would have to over night it to you.
I would honestly rather have the fruit then the plant because I can grow the seeds from it and its to hard to overwinter plans in the house. I am a zone 5 here. I already have several differant kinds of passies in the house, I am even considering parting with a couple. But I love dearly to grow them from seed
I do hope this year there is some mature seeds.I will let you know.Do you have the red or yellow ones?