Well a few days ago I was out in my backyard and I kept hearing somthing cry. I didnt know what it was bt I knew it was not a bird. I looked and looked and could not find anything..then finally i found it. Stuck in some vines between my back fence was a tiny baby squirrel. He must have fallen out o his nest and was abandoned by the mother. Meet Rocky gardenstews newest rehab baby
Is it going to be easy to look after? I have no idea what it would be like to raise a baby squirrel. Hope it will be ok. Let us know how things work out.
Nope its not easy..rehabing any wild animal is not easy..it takes a LOT of time and dedication and LOSS of sleep. Rocky is doing well so far and is almost ready to open his eyes. I feed him every 3 hours and there is so much more to rehabing then just feeding..but its a lot of joy also and he is a very precious little baby. I love the little guy already, but i will rehab him for release back to the wild when he is big an old enough.
I've raised a few baby animals in my time RiverRoack and find it so rewarding. They aren't easy to look after but when one survives, to be released into the wild again, it's a great feeling. Good luck with little Rocky and do keep us updated with his progress.
Sweet little guy -- good thing he was crying. What do you feed a baby squirrel? I've raised kittens by hand but never anything wild. It does take a lot of time and committment but it's worth it, I agree.
Thank you so much everyone! Rocky sees to be doing really well. I will post pics when his eyes open and give periodical updates. He is a sweet little blessing for sure. I know it will be heart wrenching when it is time to release him to the wild again but I also know that that is were he ultimatly belongs and it will be such a joy also.
River Rock - Good rescue!So cute! Who knows what might have happened to the little guy if you hadn't found him! The ways of nature, I suppose... Anyway, I have a friend who once was in the same situation. They nurtured and fed their orphan baby squirrel and it became like their family pet. Short of living in their house with them! It was very tame.
Ahhhh! Cute! I think squirrels are the cutest creatures. Sometimes I think it would be fun if they were more tame, and would come up to people to be petted and such. But then I remember how mischievous they are and I frequently have to chase em off when they are raiding the bird feeders or pestering the dog. Your little guy is sweet. Have you named him? If not, it should be "LUCKY"!
LOL..his name is Rocky..a friend from another site named him. he is a doll but he will be released into the wild when he is ready.
Thank you ..keep positive thoughts for Rocky he is having some issues with the formula so I hope he will do ok.
Oh what a little cutie.My cousin has raised some of them and had great sucess.I do hope Rocky does well.