Beautiful! I've had phlox recommended to me a couple times for my yard, but hadn't planted any yet. You are convincing me to get some.
I'm jealous. While I have tons of phlox, I also have tons of powdery mildew to go with it, especially on the ones in the garden near the back deck. I had once read it can been kept under control by adequate airflow, and I believe it. The plants by the fence look much better, but not mildew free. Are the newer varieties resistant to mildew? My plants go back generations.
Beautiful. Phlox is the backbone of the butterfly garden. Yes, most of the newer varieties are mildew resistant. Everyone should have some phlox. 8)
I don't have a lot of trouble with powdery mildew except on one plant that is close to the porch and doesn't get the air circulation. The others are in beds out in the open.