Wow Bethie! Thanks. I'm so glad that you guys liked them. I have to tell you that I found this fellow so interesting (and pretty) that after taking pics, I just sat and observed him. The more I watched and looked, the more fascinated I was with it.
WOW!! My favourite insect, when I was a kid I used to call it a miniature helicopter Great photogarphy!!!
Sjoerd, You mentioned that you'd like to see some of our dragonflies. This was the only one I could get to pose! The photo isn't nearly as good as yours, but this is the only one I could get--they are quick little things! The dragonfly is on an Autumn Sage (salvia greggii). ( photo / image / picture from marlingardener's Garden )
My goodness, MG--that dragonfly has nice colouring. I appreciate you taking the time to show this fellow. This is a good foto, I can see him quite well. Thanks also for including the name of the plant that he was on.
wow! congrats on the pic of the month, sjoerd. dragonflies remind me of my childhood - so long ago. we used to have lots of them once the monsoon was over, in all imaginable colours. thanks for the beautiful picture
Sjored what a beautiful color and such a camera hound Some will pose great for you and some wont.Your photos are so very good.
I found a mate for your Glassnijder, my glass pot hanger reminds me of your photo. ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )
Thank you very much, GREENFAIRY...and congrats to you too!...on being a grandmom. Cheers BB--it's amazing how nature has made such beauties. Thanks Miss Beans-- Mercury glass"....hmmmm. Thanks for your nice comment, GLENDA. I reckon you have alot of packing to do, eh? It does me too, does me too. That is quite an attractive pot hanger.