What sign are you?

Discussion in 'Jokes and Games' started by Pinkiered, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    You are very welcome!

    Ill work on thiers here in a min.
  2. Shanna

    Shanna In Flower

    May 19, 2006
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    Hi all I am a Capricorn.
  3. wannabe

    wannabe Young Pine

    Jun 14, 2006
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    Springfield, Illinois
    I guess I should try this. My birth date is o8-11-1939.
  4. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Richie (Im assuming youll be letting him read this so Ill write it to him)
    Mercury rules the sign Gemini(air) and Mercury was in Gemini when he was born. In other words, he is a true Gemini.

    Ive only met one other "true" sign since I have been playing around with this and thats my hubby. His is Cancer which is ruled by the Moon and when he was born, the Moon was in Cancer, hence, "true" Cancer.

    So what does it mean to be true? First all Mercury ppl are artistic. Just ask Desert Rat. Its because Mercury patron of artisans.
    The need to develope is very important to you.Plans dont spring fully hatched from your mind. Youll being with a quick "sketch" and only as you play with it does a fuller picture emerge.This is different from an artiist who relies on vagaries such as inspiration (such as Desert Rat). You like to know exactly what you are dealing with.

    Your Venus with his Mercury.
    You cant think of a better person to do things with. Your Mercury is just as eager as you to check out the new restaurant that opened or to test drive the lastest luxury car. Yet perhaps the best thing about your Mercury is the he always knows how to get the best deals. This is esp important given your refined taste. You can always rely on your Mercury to find a way to enjoy the good things in life and not have to pay a forune for them.

    Aries is ruled by Mars (fire) which was in Gemini(Air) at the time of his birth.
    This is his future...well just a touch of what is to come.
    Being of Mercury, he will love words. But in his case its wordplay. LIke fencing, words should be wielded artfully and cleverly. One would no more take them personally that one would actually try to harm the opponent. Unforunately, when the person he is trying to banter with burst into tears, he will be at a total lose. This may appear disingenuous to those who dont know his well, but the simple fact is: he wont know how things got out of hand so fast. This is not real life. After all it was wordplaying.

    He is born of Aries that is ruled by Mars, the God of War. He will have a temper. But with his Mercury from Gemini, he will be able to talk his way out of any kind of trouble or charm the pants off someone to get what he wants. And when he doesnt get his way, he will be on that Mars war path and like his fire sign, will burn anyone and everyone in his way.

    Heres my advise to you ,
    The best thing you can teach your Mars child is how to win or lose gracefully. But instead of preaching the virtues of good sportsmanship (this simple wont translate with him!) portray this as conduct befitting a champion. Mars childern love a good role model and there are few challenges so worthy pursuing as self-mastery.

  5. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    You are Leo. I need your time of birth please.
  6. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Oh my gosh you got heathers entire family so right it isn't even funny Trey is already word playing and has a temper you wouldn't believe if he doesn't get his way.Funny
  7. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    My sons Kevin's is 3-7-1971 11:25 pm.
    My Hubby's was 2-17-1937 .Please ,
  8. heathermt75

    heathermt75 Seedling

    May 11, 2006
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    Billings, Montana
    That is so correct it's scary!!! Richie couldn't believe his ears!! Man, and I thought Trey was a handful now...
  9. Gizmo

    Gizmo Animal Magnet

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Port Saint Lucie Fl.
    Ok I'll bite Libra 10/12/64 Ok I know my up in age the hair is getting white.
  10. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    I can tell you from doing many MANY Mars charts, that the one thing they all have in common, is pride. If they think for a second thier pride is at stake, they will attack. If they think it will help thier pride, they will go to the ends of the earth to do it.

    To help you deal with a Mars child, I would highly suggest you find him a role model that isnt you or your hubby. Superman, spiderman, whatever. A role model will help you start teaching him right from wrong. Because with a child of Mars, they dont learn what is right or wrong, like you or I. If a Mars child throws a ball and breaks a window, you tell him throwing the ball in the house, is wrong. But to that Mars child throw the ball in the house is wrong BECAUSE mommy said it was wrong. Mars child learn only by action. They wont understand that its dangerous until he is hurt or he hurts someone by throwing the ball in the house OR by breaking something. Even if you explained the dangers of throwing the ball in the house, the dangers arent understood by them. Its just wrong because you siad its wrong. So more times then not, when you arent looking, he will throw the ball. OR he will act like he is going to throw the ball and will watch you the whole time...to get your reaction. His pride (even at a very young age) is wanting to show his mommy that there are no dangers in throwing the ball. It is in his prides best interest (in the Mars' mind) to prove you wrong.

    If you got him a role model, this is how you could handle the Mars pride. He throws the ball in the house. Dont tell him its wrong or dangerous, ask him if Superman or spiderman, whoever, throws balls in their house. When he is this young, answer for him. "No he doesnt. Because he knows he could hurt someone or break something." Then sat him down to watch a show on that role model. And say, "See he doesnt throw balls in the house" At this age, keep it simple. But when he old enough to understand what you are saying ,Chances are he will say no, but they will do something else, what ever that role model does. Build spider webs, hang from the ceiling ...whatever. Use this to your advange. Use his role model as a learning tool. Hang posters on his wall of his role model. Buy him toys and clothing with his role models pic on them. Let him have whatever it is he wants, when it comes to his role model. Surprise him with things of his role models.Whatever one he picks,watch him careful because Mars childern WILL act out there role models!!! If Spiderman hangs from the ceiling, he most certainly will try too!! Remember, they learn only from action and thier pride will force them into at least trying. There is nothing you can do...if you try to stop him, the Mars in him will do it the first chance he gets when you arent looking. The Mars in him, again, has to prove you wrong. Your best bet, is to get him to wait until hubby is home. Have you hubby stand by to watch him,Even making suggestions to your son. Like have him say ,"Hey if you are going to do that, then let me do this (placing pillows down to soften his fall or whatever)." Have daddy explain to him why. "If you are going to do that, I want to be sure you arent going to hurt yourself." His reply will be something like "Oh daddy, I wont hurt myself." Then you hubby should take it one step farther and say, "Just humor an old man." Making it into a joke(dads Mercury so this is easy to do because of his love for words), will make your son think all is well and wont do things like this behind your or your hubbys back. He wants to have someone watch him....it goes back to his pride.So he will start coming up to dad and saying, hey I want to try this or I found a way to try that. Even if dad is busy at the moment, tell him, give me 5 mins or lets wait until Sat...or whenever. BUT dont forget cuz he wont and he will do it regardless if someone is there or not.
    At this young age, have dad act out the role models with him. If superman flys, the help the boy fly. Its asimple as picking him up and "flying" him. Its action...what a Mars child loves most.

    There are plenty of role models out there, depending on the age of the child. But let him choose the role model. In your eyes, it might be a "bad" role model. But he doesnt see it that way. With Mars childern, they see the strenght behind whats good and bad.

    But some childern of Mars will start picking up on the bad role models behavior. BUT you can use this to your advange too. Say he picks Joker as his role model and he does something that Joker does thats bad. Turn it around on him...remember the Mars child is into wordplay. Ask him, "Why do you think that Joker has no friends?" or " Why do you think Spiderman doesnt like Joker?" When he answers. You reply something like, "Its because he does so and so." But dont be surprise if he replies soemthing like, "Yeah mom, but Jokers got all the cool stuff." LOL He got ya, there MOM!!! lol So what to do now? Well, he is obviously picking role models that have "cool stuff" so use it to your advange. He will talk about his role model and in turn tell you why he likes him so much. Use what he tells you, to find him a "good" role model. If he is into the "cool stuff" then find a real life person what has tons of "cool stuff" Show him and talk about him. Watch tv programs on him with your Mars son in the room. Even if he shows no interest...give it time. If the "cool stuff" is there, he will be interested.

    If you start him now, looking to role models as a way to behavior (even if he doesnt know it), you will find he will find he will find role models on his own. As he enters teenage hood, he will seek out role models that will guide him into the career of his choice. Try not to fight him too much on things like this because it will reinforce his thoughts that he knows better than mom or dad and you will have your hands very full when he hits teenage hood. And let me tell you, when Mars does something, they do it big. "Go big or go home" So if he rebels, he will make sure he does it BIG!

    Going big will be his motto in life. So in turn, Mars has a VERY bright side and a VERY dark side. Whenever his dark side pops out, the best thing you can do is ingore a Mars child!! His pride will take a nasty hit. If he starts letting his temper get the best of him, sont spank him or ground him....turn your back and walk away. Do the dishes, fold cloths or reading a book. Stay calm no matter what. He will be looking for the smallest hint that he is getting through to you. If you completely ignore him, it will confuse him and he has to think about it. BUT if you do this, things will get worse before they get better but its worth it in the long run. You want him to use his love of words not his prideful temper to express how he is feeling or what he wants. When you ignore him for the first time, he will be confused and get quiet. Dont be surprised if he crawls into your lap for hugs and kiss....his pride took a nasty hit and he needs to know you still love him. BUT the next time he starts, he will have thought about that last time, and things will be BIGGER in everyway. Louder screaming, more kicking, bigger tears, all of it...BIGGER. When this happens, completely walk away. Go into the next room. Wash dishes..this way he cant put himself in front of you, forcing you to see him.
    He will follow you into that room getting louder and louder. You took action against him...he is seeing your reaction to him. He will think its working. Once you have left the room and turned your back, dont leave that room again.....dont even move to another part of the room unless you decide to do something like cook, wash cloths...it has to have a purpose other than ingoring him. What would you do if he wasnt there? How would you bake a cake? Wash dishes? Do it that exact way. If you chang one little thing, he will know whats up (no matter the age)and charge. Youve just lost that round and he will make the next one harder.

    If he breaks something out of anger(and he will at least once), dont go running into the room to get on to him...he will see that breaking something is the way to get the reaction he wanted and you will never be able to stop it. Ignore it until he is wanting his kisses and hugs. Then take action...by this I mean, make him pay for breaking whatever it was. Remember Mars childern only learn by action. Have him help you plan a yard sale to sell some of his prized toys to pay for what he broke. Doing it this way, his Mars pride takes a nasty hit by that action and he will learn his lesson. "I will lose something I really want in order to replace something I broke." Dont make him do extra chores to work it off. He will start to think that its easy to replace something. HE ahs to lose something he loves for good in order for him to understand the lesson there. And after that toy is gone, fight the urge to get another one for him right away. Wait a while...depending on his age. A week, a month...or 6 months. Use his pride to your advange and he will see it as lesson learned.
    You can start him on this even at this age. If he breaks something, walk straight into his room and take his most prized possession. Place it high up, so that he can see it but cant get it. When he starts begging for it, tell him "No. You broke one of my things, there for you lose on of your toys. Its mine now." He will start getting the pic. Eventually give it back to him...but never after a fit.

    If you are in a store or public place and he does this, your Venus will have to stop it ...because after all "What will ppl think?" Heres how to handle it. No matter what you are out doing, where you are, act like nothing is wrong, like you dont hear him...ESP dont act like your embaressed (he will pick up on it) Dont even talk to someone else about him "Oh he is just trying to get attention" or whatever. The Mars AND Mercury in him LOVES LOVES new places and ppl. For him its a sense of pride. Even at 2. At the first sign of trouble, pick him up (dont let him walk on his own cuz he will stand there ,screaming) walk to the car and go home. Once home, leave the door to the car open, take your keys and go inside. Leave him there....take all the precautions of keeping him safe but leave him there. Dont let him know you are watching but watch him from a window. He will be looking for you so be careful. You will see him stop crying and screaming as soon as you are out of view. But the big tears will start as soon as he can see you. If he started the screaming again when he sees you, walk away out of veiw. The next time you come out, ask him if he is done now. He will start up again. Just walk away out of view. This may take a couple of times but he will start to see, that it just isnt affecting you and he is wasting his time. You are turning his actions against him! It will work like a charm. After a few times of doing this, you will start to do it , you will notice that the screaming will stop as soon as you start the action or when he is older,you will hear him say," No no, ok Ill be good."
    You can work with him as a young child to mold him into a good adult. There arent many other signs that will show you as a child what is to come as a teenager and adult. But Mars will. What you do now will directly affect him as a teenager and he will take that into his adulthood. Most childern will get over something or just deal with it. Not him.... he will learn from him (either in reality or create something in his mind..the Mercury in him that creates) and will act accordingly. Remember whatever you or your hubby may think, in a Mars mind, he knows best....even at 2.

    Honey, good luck, cus you are going to need it!
  11. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    Libra (air) is ruled by Mercury. Mercury was in Virgo (earth) when you were born. Hence you love of gardening! But for you, theres a reason behind your gardening other than your love for it. You have to keep your hands busy and you always look for ways to improve on what you see. When Mercury ,planet of craft mingles with Venus ,planet of art, then it only make sense that you would switch from being an admirer of beauty to one who creates it. Whether its absent minded doodling, gardening or concentrated needlework, the intricate construction of instruments or the playing of them, you just have to keep your hands busy. It might even be said you have hands on approach to life. Discerning and critical, you get frustrated when you have to explain yourself.Thats because a good part of your thinking takes place not in your head but with your hands. You prefer to show by example- or better yet, because you want the job done right, youll do the work yourself.
  12. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    OK for Kevins sign it might be a tad confusing for you. If it is, jsut let me know and Ill try and explain a little better.

    HE is born under the sign of Pisces(water). Pisces had TWO planets that rule it.

    Now Jupiter was in Sagittarius (fire)when he was born. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. So in that part of him, he is a "true" Sagittarius...but not really, because of his OTHER ruling planet Neptune. Now Neptune was in Sagittarius (fire)(ruled by Jupiter) when he was born.

    Now because he has so many "fire" signs in his life, it basically over rides his "water" sign Pisces. So he is over all fire with a twist of water on the side.

    Ill do Jupiter in Sagittarius first.
    Oh where to start!!

    You are more of a problem solver, morale booster or zealous advocate. You try constantly to put things right. Your own journey ,however, hasnt been an easy one. Jupiter was named after the god of storms, so you have weathered your fair share of emotional tempests- ESPECIALLY in your early life. Though by no means pleasant, it didnt exactly traumatize you either. You are naturally dramatic personality and would have resonated with the emotional cacophony. After all, you can scream and holler with the loudest of them. But as soon as you were old enough to go your own way- you did. Yet you never know the true impact you have on ppls lives. Like a drop falling into a quiet surface of a pond, you send out ripples that expand in all directions but by the time they reach thier full scope, you are long gone.
    To a "true" child of Jupiter, there is no such thing as a missed opportunity. You jsut concider it one you havent gotten to yet.

    Neptune in Sagittarius
    You see your entire life as being in service to the potential you carry inside. But theres more at stake than talent, a gift or realizing a dream. You feel a personal link to those who came before. In your case , you older brother. History is unfolding in your life-now. You are aware that everything you do is meant to have a great impact. You dont see yourself as special. You just see yourself as someone living during special times.But sometimes that "specialness" can become a burden all its own. If you are too beholden to what someone has done or if you feel what has come before is so sacred that anything you do will just bring it down, then you can ,in effect, become immobilized by your own reverence. Neptune is otherworldly by nature. It will always invest more importance in dreams than reality.As a child of Neptune, you are predisposed to thinking that what you concieve of in your imagination is far better than anything you will ever reproduce through your own efforts. And without knowing it, this glamourization of history can work along the similar lines. It can make you feel that youre under obligation to live up to whats to come before or that you ahve to stay true to some legacy. As result, feelings of expectations and disappointment can start eroding your confidence in an endeavor before youve even started. Thankfully, Jupiter is more in love with this world than with the other. And its the Jupiter side of you that will push to make something your own. How can you even think straight if your constantly comparing your actions to what has already be done? Or in your case, what he might have done ? Not surprising, your first step is to walk out on those expections youve been glorifying. Given Neptunes tendency to "wipe the slate clean" this wont be so unusal -you did this first around the age of 24 and will again around the age of 36 which is right about now. the ages of 24 and 36 are big turning points in your life. Starting over is what you will do best in your life. You came out stronger after 24 and will be even stronger after 36..... IF your Jupiter side lets the Neptune side of you do what it does best,"wipe the slate clean".
  13. heathermt75

    heathermt75 Seedling

    May 11, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Billings, Montana
    Ok.. now I'm scared! And to think his actual due date was April Fool's Day... I can already feel my hair turning gray!!! Thanks for the advice.. looks like I'm going to need all I can get! :)
  14. heathermt75

    heathermt75 Seedling

    May 11, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Billings, Montana
    By the way, thanks for taking the time to type out all thia information for us.I mean, just my family is about 7 pages of printing.. so thanks for doing this!
  15. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Lawton, Ok
    And you are wlecome very much! 8)
    7?? Good grief! I was wondering why my finger tips are sore!!! :D j/k! I love this stuff. And so you the advice I typed out to you, was as a direct result of his birthday. How to handle is one of the things you find out when you do this.

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