For some reason this little Downy seems to like me. Unlike all the others he never flies off when I show up. He will just sit there and talk to husband said I should try and hand feed him a piece of suet sometime to see if he will take it. I am not sure if it is a good thing to do that or not but I might try it. But it does make for some great photo opportunities. Downy Woodpecker ( photo / image / picture from naturenanni's Garden )
Naaaw! I'd love to have a feathered friend like that. I don't think I would try to hand feed it though. Or maybe I would. It's irresistible.
He is adorable. Hand feeding is an iffy thing but is tempting. It seems a little late in the season for such a young bird, maybe you could call a bird rescue group and ask if they think he will make it thru the winter being so young.
You certainly have a way with birds! To be able to get so close to a Downy, and to take such great photos means you are doing everything right. I wouldn't hand-feed it myself (although the temptation would be great). If a bird loses its fear of humans it can lead to bad consequences for the bird. Of course, that doesn't mean you can't put out a treat and sit and enjoy watching him!
SNAP!! I have a little feathered visitor too. :-D Not a woodpecker though but a young collared dove. It sits on my garden bench or greenhouse each morning waiting for me to go out and feed it. I have to put the seed under the bench for it and stand beside him/her until the seed is all gone. I guess the little thing feels safe with me around. I haven't tried to hand feed it as I don't want it to get too familiar with humans. I'm sure your woodpecker will survive the winter if it keeps coming to you for food.
I wonder what he is thinking about. Really great photo. Ask him his name. You have a feathered friend too Eils? Where is mine?
That was my concern about hand feeding. I really do not think I will do it. I have 3 suet cakes and 2 houses one of the houses is being looked at but I do not think they are using it yet. They just seem to be checking it our real good I catch them sticking their heads inside and once I saw one go all the way inside. I have it filled with wood chips so I certainly hope they use them. Toni I will see if I can find a place here that I can call to find out.
eileen I can't seem to get my doves to come that close. They normally stay in the trees and stare at me LOL!
I don't know Frank what do you think he is thinking about? All I can get him to say is eep..eep..eep LOL
Naturenanni, try calling the closest university to you and ask about your Downy's survival chances. Failing that, perhaps there is an Audubon chapter nearby. If neither of those works, let me know and I'll call a friend who has his doctorate in ornithology and has taught at a local university for many years. If it has feathers, he knows all about it!
Thanks marlingardener I'll give it a try. Sad that small towns don't offer much help in these area's.
A Downy Woodpecker. What a lovely little bird with such lively colours. This picture of yours is supurb. I hope that you will take more. I like it that he isn't too afraid of you. Actually, just because he seems not to be too frightened of you does not mean that he will behave the same around another human. It seems like an unusual occurrence. Nice dove foto, Eileen. It is so nice to see you guys befriending (or is it the opposite) your avian friends .
Naturenanni, that little Downy is really beautiful. Glad it like you!! Just a couple of morning ago when I woke up in the morning I noticed that there were 3 hornbills perched on a distance tv aerial through the window. I grabbed my camera and took a shot. I hope you all can see the birds because they were like more than 150 meters away and my camera is just a puny compact digital one. Horn Bills ( photo / image / picture from KK Ng's Garden ) Hornbills were never seen in this area before and they are very rare. I think they are protected species. I guess they must be escapees or released by their captors. I am keeping my finger crossed that they will be safe.
Thanks everyone! KK I had to Google the bird I have never heard of them. What a beautiful bird. I sure hope they stay safe!