Hi folks! I have made a few posts, but figured I should throw out a hello! Great forum! I have spent hours reading through the posts and the content is very educational and members seem very helpful. Awesome. I grow veggies in raised beds and containers, grow hastas, wildflowers, and maintain trellis perennials. I am venturing down the road of hydroponics. So far it has been a fascinating trip! This winter will be the first run-through. Thanks for having me!!
Welcome to the forum, and you have it pegged right--lots of nice, helpful people here with a wealth of gardening experience and expertise. You will fit right in!
Welcome to the Stew from the rather wintery coast of western Norway. What sort of winter climate do you have? Any chance of seeing some lovely colours from you tide me over to spring I wonder?
Thank you for all the "welcomes"!! Not much color left here!!! Maybe some shots of the indoor garden, but everything will soon be a blend of white and gray. And what is the weather like in Western Norway right now? Are you full-on winter yet?
Hi there Halfway and a warm welcome from a very cold and wet Scotland. I hope you'll soon be a regular poster here and will make your stay with us a long one.
Welcome to GardenStew Halfway. Nice to have you here. This sounds interesting! Hope you can keep us updated, with photos if possible.
We've got hail, but no frost or snow right now. I don't want any either, but I guess I have no choise.
Uggggghhhh. I don't mind a blizzard, but hail is ugly no matter how it comes. And Frank, will do (post pics). Not sure where to post as of yet.
Welcome to GS from Karachi Pakistan! I too am new here, and I agree that the members here are most polite, helpful, and very well experienced! Like you I too had once experimented with hydroponics - However these days I am reading up on plant tissue culture. But I actually joined this place because I want to exchange seeds! :-D Once again, welcome to GS - I am sure you also will soon become a valued member over here.
Karachi? Your command of the English language is very good if you are Pakistani. Are you a contractor by chance? Pushing things to the northwest? 8)
No, I'm a local resident of Karachi's coastline. Was born and raised in Karachi! By the way, Pakistan attained independence from the British in 1947 (after almost 200 years of rule). So for all Pakistanis, English is more or less a second language...
welcome to the site, i am sure on behalf of everyone. YOur garden sounds quite happening. keep us all updated : )