Sorry about the picture quality I removed a small cutting from my variegated peace lily mother plant and have been waiting patiently for some new growth. Finally, something is happening after almost 12 weeks!The new leaf almost looks braided which is kinda weird, lol. ( photo / image / picture from Bluewing0's Garden ) Rooted cutting. ( photo / image / picture from Bluewing0's Garden )
Hello Sjoerd, Of course, lol, it's fun to play with plants :-D This may be it for now though since the growing season is nearing the end soon (wiping tears) Hopefully this white leaf cutting will grow new white leaves, or mostly all white leaves, it's hard sometimes to be patient!
That is unusual. Nevertheless, it's better than no growth. Did you cut the stem very close to the stock? Simon Adams moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
Simon, The cutting was severed BELOW the soil line. I did manage to get a "couple" of "small" thin roots, but it might as well have been no roots really. I lost three mature leaves after it was cut from the mother. Patient is right Kay, lol.I just hope someday that it gets nice and full! It's doing really well, but, growing slooooow. Maybe that's because the leaves are white??? I have read that white leaves can sap a lot of energy from a plant. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the two leaves might have been from the "braid." Eileen, If you could manage to get some. or most of the root under the soil, it may rebound a little quicker then mine did. Two new leaves in the middle- ( photo / image / picture from Bluewing0's Garden ) Whole cutting- ( photo / image / picture from Bluewing0's Garden )