What is the best way to winter Myer lemon trees?? I have two small ones that are in pots on my deck. I am in a warm zone 8, Austin Texas. Can covering and mulching in the planters work?? Thanks! moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Hi, we are in central Texas, just about 25 miles SE of Waco, and we take our lemon trees into the potting shed (unheated, but sheltered) for the winter. We are 8 b/a, but on a farm without much protection from wind like you would find in a town, so perhaps a deep mulch and a protected corner would be enough to overwinter your Meyers.
A nursery person who helped design a garden for a friend recommended that she wrap her large pots with Christmas lights to help make it through our unpredictable hard freezes. Might not be necessary for you, but something to think about. We vary from a 7-8. :-? Right now we are going to hit single digits tonight. It has been about 8-10 years since we've had such a cold for multiple days. Will be interesting to see how my large pots do, since I have not provided them with any protection. Hope your lemon trees flourish. Good luck
That is quite interesting Jewell - wrapping the tree in lights. THis first time I hear about this strategy. It is interesting for me to see and hear how other gardeners cope with weather conditions and even better when I learn something new.
Thanks for the great tips! I like the Christmas lights idea. Weather here south of Austin is so unpredictable I just don't want to lose these two bushes!