Oh goodness... what a cute thief he is... Eighteen peanuts in an hour would give ME a stomach ache and I'm much bigger than he is! Do you suppose he's putting them away somewhere for winter?
He (or she) is quite cute :-D I'd buy peanuts for them We don't have those out here, at least not that I've ever seen
Cute photo of the tufted titmouse, they are busy birds, they are always the first to arrive when I put out new seed, they don't even wait for me to leave before they pluck the peanuts out.
Daisy, they are about 6" long. The titmouse is a cache feeder. They will take one seed at a time and fly up into my dogwood tree and deposit the seed in crevices and under the bark of the tree. Storing them for future use. They are the most active & dominant birds at my feeders.
Thanks Gail. Now that I'm thinking about it, when I put peanuts out for the squirrels, I've seen a blue bird come get them. I thought they were blue jays but now I'm not sure. I'll have to look more closely. Do they stick around in the winter time?
Here they stick around all winter. Where you see Chickadees you will also see the Titmouse. They hang out together.