Good Grief, some people just don't appreciate homemade or handmade. They would rather receive something from Walmart than receive something made with love specifically for them.
I don't think they even deserve a Walmart card. I would much rather give or receive a handmade card than a bought card any day. It just shows how much they care about and appreciate you.
As a cardmaker myself I know how 'Blue at Christmas' must be feeling. :-x I sincerely hope that the cards I make don't get the reaction hers did as I can spend two hours or more making an individual card for friends and family. I think she should send the cheque back (torn into little pieces) and cross everyone off her list who thought handmade cards were 'cheap.' Blue and her niece should continue to make their cards then take them to a winter craft fayre where they'll be very much appreciated and they'll make money from them too.
Oh my goodness---that was absurdly rude. I have different thoughts on it though: First of all, of course the person should go off the christmas card list...that goes without saying, actually. Secondly, the sending of the check along with mean words (for me) means that she has lost all rights of friendship and normal responce., I would have suppressed the inclination to return the check (why waste even a postage stamp on this crass person)...and instead I would have cashed the check and used the money to buy myself a cup of tea and a Danish at some place. This is perhaps mean in its own way too...but I like putting a positive spin on things (for myself) and instead of letting this person get up my nose, I'd just eat and drink up the windfall bonus of the little check. Then some time later, as I was in the bathroom, I would think---"MMM-Hmmmm, a fitting 'end', thank you very much"! Can I post this, Frank...or is it a bridge too far?
Perfectly justifiable Actually someone on the website I found this on suggested that they should make next year's card out of the cheque, and post it back to them.
That's what I was thinking Frank -- along with a polite note saying this would be the last card they would receive.
I have saved the many handmade cards sent to us by an elderly friend. We don't have the store-bought cards sent to us last year, nor will we keep this year's cards past New Year's Day. I cannot imagine anyone being so crass as to reject something handmade, and sending a check! Eileen, I am sure your cards are greatly appreciated, and treasured. There are very few people in this world as nasty and ghastly as the check-sender!
That is just down right rude! I would rather have a handmade card than a store bought card any day. There is a lot of thought and love that's goes into a card that is made than one that is bought. So sad!
Gosh - people like that should not be on anybody's list for anything. It really hurts when you have put in all the effort and time and money to handmake a card and there is no appreciation. Maybe the person with the checque is one of those nouveau riche who has money to waste and looks down on those who actually work hard for their money. My first feelings that I felt was one of sadness that there are such people around, and the second feeling that rushed over me echoed Sjoerd's sentiments.
Wow, I can't believe the nerve of some people! I also find it hard to believe that the cheque sender is (was) actually considered a 'friend'. I'm with Sjoerd ... I'd cash the cheque and have a cup of tea and a muffin on them. And then I would cross them off my list of friends forever. The NERVE!
Unfortunately, this person has been lost in the Commercialization of Christmas. Our ancestors certainly did not have a department store to buy Christmas cards. They made everything! Right down to the decorations, with family, love and precious family time. So, to the check person I say bah humbug!
That is excatly my thought too!!!! This kind do not deserve a card of any kind I am sure they will compare the price of the cards if they were bought!!!
Some people just don't have any class If you've never done any type of crafting you don't realize how much effort goes into it. In my opinion, homemade or handmade is way more valuable than anything store bought. Look at what this person has created, not just the cards but the good memories the niece will have the rest of her life :-D
I just can't imagine a person not appreciating the sentiment behind a homemade card. Especially from a child! Each year when I bring out the Christmas things, we go through the mementos from past years, the favorites always being pictures, cards and handmade items from the children in the family. I feel certain that more recipients than not really love receiving these cards.