Find various Caterpillar foods

Discussion in 'Butterfly / Moth' started by Septimus, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Septimus

    Septimus New Seed

    Oct 6, 2010
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    If you are planning to create a butterfly garden in your landscape it is important that you find out some plants or other things which will serve as hosts to caterpillars of butterflies. There are plants like butterfly weed that serves as host to both butterflies and their caterpillars. It is an attractive garden plant and is also deer resistant. Though you may be hesitating to pay for a weed, it is a fact that butterflies have a special liking for weeds. There are various trees and shrubs that serve as caterpillar food. These include Flowering dogwood trees such as Cornus florida which attracts caterpillars of Spring azure blue butterflies. Another one is Viburnums which attracts Spring aszure blues. Easter cottonwood that attract caterpillars of Tiger swallowtail butterflies and Oak tree that attract Red- spotted purple butterfly caterpillars.
    There are many herbs and vegetables that serve as caterpillar food and they include Curley - leaf parsley and dill which is a favorite food of Black swallowtail butterfly caterpillars. Other items include carrot and celery which is the favorite of Black swallowtail. Also there are certain wild flowers which are dear to caterpillars. They include Common milk weed or Asclepias Syriaca which is the favorite of Monarch butterfly caterpillars. Another is Red clover or Trifolium pretense which attracts the caterpillars of Clouded sulfur butterfly caterpillars. Perennial flowers like Hollyhocks and Steeple bush are also favorite food for caterpillars of Painted Lady and checkered skipper butterfly and Clouded sulfur butterfly.

    moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules
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  3. GothMoths

    GothMoths New Seed

    Dec 25, 2010
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    Butterfly Garden Host & Nectar Plants

    Mexican Petunia - Buckeye
    False Foxglove - Buckeye
    Firecracker - Buckeye
    Passionvine - Zebra Longwing, Gulf Fritillary, Julia, Variegated Fritillary
    Violet - Variegated Fritillary
    Willow - Viceroy, Red-spotted Purple, Tiger Swallowtail butterflies; Cecropia and many other moths
    Black Cherry - Red-spotted Purple, Tiger Swallowtail, and many moths
    Bays (Red, Swamp) - Palamedes ST and Spicebush ST
    Sparkleberry - Striped Hairstreak butterfly
    Frogfruit - White Peacock, Buckeye, Phaon Crescent
    Water Hyssop - White Peacock
    Wisteria - skippers
    Canna Lily - Brazilian Skipper
    Summer Farewell - Southern Dogface
    Dandelion - Woolly Bear, Hitched Arches, some tiger moths, and more moths
    Pearly Everlasting - American Lady
    Certain native Asters - Pearl Crescent and more
    Milkweed - Monarch, Queen, Soldier
    Bee Balm is one of the hosts to the cool Hermit Sphinx. The caterpillar is called the Black Knight.Joe-pye weed is host to the really cool Clymene moth
    Black-eyed Susan is host to Silvery Checkerspot and the Wavy-lined Emerald which has the coolest caterpillar EVER
    Indigo - Duskywings, Ceraunus Blue
    Blue Pea Vine - Long-tailed Skipper
    Blue Toadflax - Buckeye
    Citrus - Giant Swallowtail (the caterpillar is called the Orange Dog)
    Croteleria - Bella Moth
    Jute - Checkered Skippers
    Peppergrass - Several Whites
    White Clover- Orange Sulphur & Southern Dogface
    Rice button Aster- Pearl Crescent
    Beggarticks- Dainty Sulphur
    Plumbago- Cassius blue
    White twinevine- Queen & Soldier
    Black Eyed Susan- Silvery Checkerspot
    Spanish Needles- Long tailed skipper, Hoary Edge Skipper, Northern Cloudywing
    Mistletoe- Great Purple Hairstreak

    Moths- Firebush- Pluto Sphinx, Tersa Sphinx Starclusters (such as Pentas) - tersa sphinxDandelion- Wooly BearPhlox- trumpet vine sphinxdaisy- camouflaged looperVerbena- Common looper

    Don't forget, butterflies and moths are only pests when they take over a plant. They are an important part of pollenation and the survival of many plants in our world. Let's keep our Day and Noght jewels (butterflies & moths) flying! :) Shay
    Frank likes this.
  4. GothMoths

    GothMoths New Seed

    Dec 25, 2010
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    And a couple more. :D
    White Clover- Orange Sulphur & Southern Dogface
    Rice button Aster- Pearl Crescent
    Beggarticks- Dainty Sulphur
    Plumbago- Cassius blue
    White twinevine- (we have lots by our lake)- Queen & Soldier
    Black Eyed Susan- Silvery Checkerspot

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