Starting Cacti From Seed. - Update

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by FlowerFreak22, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. FlowerFreak22

    FlowerFreak22 In Flower Plants Contributor

    Apr 23, 2009
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    This is how I started some cacti from seeds. I began by getting some cactus soil from the nursery, really any well draining soil should work ok. I put the soil in a couple small pots like the empty one in this picture...

    ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )

    Next I water the soil until it is thoroughly moistened and the soil compacts itself. You want the soil moist, but not moist enough to have small puddles sitting in it, but if your soil is well drained enough you shouldn't have this problem as all the water should wet the soil and the left over should run out the bottom of the pot. Next I sprinkle about five or so seeds on top of the soil once all the water has finished percolating through the soil. I don't bury the seeds. I just let them sit on top of the soil or less than a millimeter under the soil, so not deep at all. Next I place a piece of glass over the pot so as to create a miniature greenhouse and to keep in the moisture.

    ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )

    You can use clear saran wrap if you don't have a piece of glass. I placed the miniature greenhouse in a spot that gets about half sun and shade per day. When the condensation builds up on the glass or saran wrap, take it off and wipe the moisture away and put it back on the pot. I also tried a pot without the glass to see what happens as a small experiment.

    Different cactus seeds have different germination times, so you can have seedlings in anywhere from one to ten weeks. I noticed my first seedling in my miniature greenhouse today. Its a very small little thing and I have no idea what it is because I bought a mixed cactus seed pack
    ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )

    In this picture you can actually see its little roots forming.

    ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )

    In my uncovered pot I still have no seedlings yet, but they might just need some more time.

    I forgot to mention that I started all this indoors.
    eileen, cherylad and Philip Nulty like this.
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  3. Coppice

    Coppice In Flower

    Dec 20, 2010
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    SE-OH USAian
    FF, Even in the deep south it might be early to see much germination. Looks good what you have done though.
  4. FlowerFreak22

    FlowerFreak22 In Flower Plants Contributor

    Apr 23, 2009
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    Thanks Coppice!

    I now have two seedlings about a month after starting the project.

    ( photo / image / picture from FlowerFreak22's Garden )
  5. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    How exciting!! I've never been able to get cacti to grow for me past the seedling stage. I'll look forward to seeing more photographs of yours as they grow for you. Well done. :-D

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