One Day Of Sun And I'm Talking Spring

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Sjoerd, Jan 11, 2011.

  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Sunday was the day that I had been waiting for -- the sky was cloudless and the sun nudged the temp up to 11°C. I felt like a grizzly coming out of hibernation....but before I go any further, let me take you back a couple of days.

    I was pottering about this past Friday and the doorbell went...I looked out the window and saw a postal van standing below in the narrow street.
    I immediately thought, "Hmmmm...the seeds from T & M are here already--that was quick!". I hustled to the front door, the fast movement along with the brash sound of the bell sent my cats running.
    "Make a hole", I bellowed as I bowled through their otherwise lazy existence on the Persian carpet. They had found a place where a strip of the intermittent sunlight shone in.
    Actually I didn't realize that the elderly dames had it in them to move so spryly.

    At any rate, when I flung the door open, the postman greeted me and announced that he had a packet for me. I smiled as their statement of the obvious is always the same. It is difficult to miss such a large box.
    My eyes scanned the box as I took the pen in hand to sign for the parcel. It dawned on me that it was too large for the order placed with T & M.

    I began muttering as my movements suddenly became more molasses-like. I said that before I would sign for it, I wanted to see from whom the packet was sent.
    I could read the expression on his face, it said--" If you don't want it just say so and let me be on my way". He gets points for not saying it out loud.

    I saw that the sender was the potato dude. The guy from whom I order my spuds from each year....thing was, I hadn't ordered any for this year yet.
    I hesitated...then I saw over to the left of the address label, written by hand in red ink, "Gratis Zending" (free sending). A smile began to spread over my face, for there is nothing that a Dutchman likes more than something for free.

    Well I put the guy out of his misery and signed. He thanked me, I thanked him and he was off. I backed into the foyer and closed the door.
    I won't say that I was consumed with it is not in my personality, but I did wonder what the heck was in that box. It was quite heavy for its size you see. It was a mystery.
    I put it aside and figured I would have a look later on.

    I went to the compi and searched the orders folder. Nothing. Hmmm. Well, I had to write a note, so I started on that first.
    Eventually, I did open that package and what a surprise it was!
    It was full of all manner of spring-blooming bulbs.
    I do not do much with early spring bloomers because I am not in the lottie often enough to enjoy them, and if I am there I am working hard. In these times where the bees are having difficulty, I have begun to put some plants in the ground for them. These gratis bulbs will help out.

    Well then, now what I needed was a couple of days of no rainfall and some sun and I could make a trip out to the lotties and plant them.
    My wish came true. Sunday was a pristine day with no clouds at all and even though there was a slight wind (it became weaker and weaker), the temp was quite warm.

    I wolfed-down breakfast and was off with my little packet of spring-bloomers. I had to peddle against the wind going, but if it didn't turn it meant an easy trip back.

    The list of bulbs:
    Fritillaria persica
    Fritillaria michailowskyi
    Fritillaria camschatcensis
    Muscari paradoxum
    Allium summer drummer
    Allium stipitatum 'mount everest'
    Nectaroscordum siculum ssp bulgaricum
    Hyacinthoides hispanica 'blue'
    Tulipa white parrot
    Tulipa west point
    Tulipa greigii rood

    Well then, here are some of the bulbs stalled out.

    I had already gone over where they could be planted in my head...but after walking around a bit decided upon this place for the tulips. I would give this rack a rest this year from crops so they can grow without competition.
    A trench was dug and the bulbs were planted.

    They were then covered with soil and mulched with some cut decorative grass. I use decorative grass for paths and mulching and it works well for me.

    This stand of grass is really plentiful and has already begun sending up green bits. I will probably use the rest for a path.

    This little roodborstje has been so friendly and let himself be seen frequently throughout the winter. The pic is not good at all, but it was taken back a while ago when we still had some snow. Boy, it was cold that day.

    Well once all the planting was done, the last of the leeks had to be harvested and the birds were fed, it was time to sit and watch them eat. This was fun but suddenly the weather began to get cooler and cooler.
    Hmmmmm....It was cold and after a day of work I didn't really feel that cooking was an option, so there was only one thing for it--- a trip to the harbour and a meal of fried fish at my favourite fish tent.

    The harbour looked cold and still, ice had formed on the water's surface.

    When I arrived the small place was totally packed full and so I had to wait. I took a stroll out onto the Houte Hooft, or pier which extends out in front of the harbour tower.
    I saw this boat tied up alongside the pier.

    I went out to the end of the pier and watched the coots and ducks walking on the ice that had formed in the harbour. I looked at the moon and sat there a bit and thought, looked at the various boats and ships there and knelt down to take this foto, looking back at the tower.

    Eventually it was time to wander back to the fish shop and place an order. There was a table vacant so I pounced and took a chair.
    The fish was excellent as usual and ate myself full. I washed it all down with a cola and it was time to head on back to the house.
    I biked along the old harbour buildings looking at their leaning façades and tilted structure...buildings on the right, water on the right. I peddled slowly here as I really like feeling the centuries as I bike by. It is cozy there anyway, but at night with the old street lamps, and a light fog, it really takes hold of me.
    reluctantly I rounded the bend and left the harbour and whistled "Au fond du temple saint" from Bizet's Les pêcheurs de perles all the way home.
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  3. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Wow! How nice to get all those free bulbs. Just to have all the bulbs would have been nice too. You were so good to get them into the ground so quickly.

    The harbor and town are such a postcard picture. I always love it when you take us down the piers to look around. Thanks for the day out.

    :) :) :)
  4. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Southern California
    That was quite a stroke of good fortune! I know you will be posting some beautiful photos of those blooms
    and your bees will thank you.
    Those were some nice shots of the ships, or boats, never know which to call them.
  5. thepondlady

    thepondlady In Flower

    Jul 28, 2009
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    What a BEAUTIFUL place you live in. WOW!

  6. calinromania

    calinromania Young Pine

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Oradea, Romania
    great bulbs, great story and great telling of it :)
    for some reason, i love bulbs. all kinds. except common hippeastrum cause mom's got lots and won't throw some away.

    also... yea, great pictures.

    i have to wait for the real spring to do anything. the ground is way too wet. snow is gone (we've had some warmer than usual days). but still... all that snow became water.

  7. Bodhi

    Bodhi Seedling

    Jan 9, 2011
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    S. FL
    I love frits, but can't grow them properly here. What a beautiful story you tell, you should have been a writer. Very descriptive, wonderful use of language. please post pictures of the frits and other plants when blooming. :)
  8. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I thoroughly enjoyed your story Sjoerd. So glad you were able to get those lovely bulbs planted up. I wish my postman would hand me a package of freebies but all we seem to get is bills. :rolleyes:
  9. KK Ng

    KK Ng Hardy Maple

    Oct 28, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Malacca, Malaysia.
    It is really a beautiful place that you are in ..... looks like the lottie is awakening while the harbour is going to sleep ........... beautiful!!
  10. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Central Texas, zone 8
    Lovely tour, thank you! Of course, we'll expect to see photos of your bulbs in bloom.
  11. Netty

    Netty Chaotic Gardener Plants Contributor

    Nov 4, 2006
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    Southern Ontario zone 5b
    I so look forward to seeing photos of those lovely bulbs blooming this spring Sjoerd! Sounds like you had a great day :)
  12. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    You are so welcome, JEWELL--I am glad that you liked the trip.
    I had to get those bulbs in the ground in a hurry, because they were softish and in spite of the was more a situation of "now or never".

    Thanks 4-G--You can call those floating structures what you want. chuckle. However, I know that there may be more nautical folks could be sticklers for correct terminology. haha...not really. I will show pics once they are doing something colourful.

    Thank you very much, PONDLADY.

    Thank you CALIN--glad you liked the posting this time. I hope that your water evaporates some so that you can get to work in the garden soon.

    Thanks BODHI--I am glad that you liked the posting--I will certainly post fotos if anything comes up. I do have to say that I am cautious to hope for too much as the bulbs were quite soft and it is absolutely the wrong time of year to plant. On the other hand, I have planted tulips this late before and they did I guess that it is a wait and see situation.

    Thanks EILEEN--yeah, the box of bulbs made a difference to getting bills, bills, bills.

    Thanks KK--I am glad that you like the looks of the harbour. It is no coincidence that our cities are sister-cities.

    Oké MG--I will post them as soon as they show their stuff.

    I did indeed have a good day, NETTY--If felt very good to get started again. I shall see your namesake next week at the general meeting.
  13. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Sjoerd, I enjoyed your narrative very much. What a treat to get such a package! The lottie looks so orderly, even in it's dormancy. Can't wait to see the blooms in the spring.
    What a gorgeous harbor! Very cool looking boats. It looks like something in a story book to this prairie girl ;)
  14. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Sjoerd, I look forward to seeing all those lovely blooms. I was glad to see you posted about your good fortune and that you had a good day to get out and plant them. Always enjoy seeing the scenery around your little town. BTW...what is the approximate population of your town? Just curious.
  15. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I, also, enjoyed the tour. I enjoy it when the mailman brings an enexpected package but it doesn't happen too often. I enljoy your long, narrative posts very much. I'm staying inside today as it's too cold and windy outside for me. I'm waiting for spring to show up even though we've had a warm winter. No snow! dooley
  16. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    What nice comments, KAY--I am glad that you liked the posting. The town center is quite old and there are still some old buildings which are protected by law. All the old stuff gives the centrum a very cozy feel, I think.

    Thanks GAIL--The approx.pop. of my town is 70,000.

    Hiyah DOOLEY--I am happy that you enjoyed the tour this time. Getting that pakkie was quite nice, I must say.
    I hope to be able to show some pice in april or may.

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