I went on a rampage of cutting everything off last night. This was 2 ft high but spinley stems that kept falling over. I hacked off a few inches of the stems, stuck them in planting hormone and we'll see what happens now. Should have waited until Spring, I guess. Poor plant. ( photo / image / picture from carolo43's Garden )
Sometimes hacking just has to be done when needed. She doesn't look like she is suffering any from it. Hope the cuttings root for you.
This plant has been nothing like my other dumb cane. This one grew 3 stalks is all, grew very fast (this is only 2 years old)and gets new leaves constantly. Hasn't slowed down all winter, either. I cut one of the stalks off and started another plant from it last summer. Not sure if this cane and the camille is supposed to act similar, but not so in my case. ( photo / image / picture from carolo43's Garden )
Thanks everyone. This has been a nice plant. Flowers for me in the spring, too. It's my favorite but right now it needs the backside of it to get more light so right now it's grabbing some winter sun.