Here in SE Texas our winters can be very "up & down"... from freezing to the 70s and back again. Cover the plants... uncover them. Put them in the garage... take 'em out. Repeat Repeat! UGH! And with the 5 fruit trees waiting to be planted after the last frost it was getting a bit much. So, big brother came up with this dolly to put them on. So they can enjoy the sunshine and if it gets close to freezing I can just wheel them into the garage. tree dolly ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) Well.. that solved one problem... but what my plants that have been tucked away in the garage since November? They just aren't getting enough sunlight and there's just too many to drag in & out all the time... I some are really looking bad. Only if I had some sort of wheeled cart to put them on. And then yesterday, I go into the "big store" to get some more Day Lily bulbs and what do I see?? An indoor/outdoor greenhouse on wheels! I couldn't wait to get home to set it up (I even left work a tad bit early)! mobile greenhouse ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) It was a snap to put together. No tools required. It's not as rigid as I hoped... but no complaints from me. And here it is with the plants that need the most help right now. I removed the top shelf to make room for the taller plants. mobile greenhouse filled ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden ) And when it gets to freezing again in a few days, I can just wheel it into the garage... or leave it outside. And since these plants are "out of the way" the others in the garage can get a bit more sunlight. If only I had this thing last fall!
I want one, I want one, I want one! Which big box was it, L's or HD? Oh, the possibilities one of those would open up. Envy is a nasty emotion, but I must admit to envying you your greenhouse on wheels!
Well those are two cool items and so convenient. Your brother did a super job on the dolly. Yes,at which big box store did you find the greenhouse on wheels? I couldn't use the wheels since I don't have any flat surface it would roll over without falling over, but the greenhouse itself would be very convenient.
It was at Lowe's.... which has become my favorite store! :-D I was so tempted to get two of them... I have this vision of one of these in the house with lots of seeds sprouting.
Looks great!! Something to utilize vertical space which most often goes unused. Look out Lowe's here I come!!
I love Lowe's for gardening stuff and plants. I got a gift card from there for Christmas so I guess I really need to go check those out. But where will I put it????? That really is a small concern, I know for sure that some place will become available that is the perfect spot. I just don' know when
Hey you lot have some pity on a poor, pea green, Scot will you? We don't have any Lowe's here and it's just not fair I tell you!! I want a little greenhouse on wheels too. :'( I really don't needa small mobile greenhouse but what gardener could resist one? I'm sure I could have found a use for it in my garden. Well I can at least have a dolly like your brother made for you Cheryl as I have a very handy son who can make me one.
Eileen... instead of my commission... I will ask Lowe's to put a store in your neighborhood! It's only fair I think!
Now you're what I call a real friend Cheryl!! I'll start making my list so that when the store opens I'll be the first on their doorstep.
I want one of those too.I have a wagon thats a flatbed and I have a 8x10 plastic house .I want a small green house so I can start new plants but I don't want to start them here in Montana.I wish I was back home in Texas to be able to bring my plants in and out
I too was thinking of making something like that for myself - I also have got a 300 AMP electric welding plant at home, so welding steel pipes together (or angle irons) will not be a problem for me! I also know where to buy heavy duty caster wheels. And am also good when it comes to woodwork. Only difference is that I will be building a shade house, not a green house - As at the peak of summer over here, the sun is so strong that it can actually burn some plants.
I wonder what we gardeners would do without wheels? Your greenhouse looks very practical. I could do with one myself, but we haven't got Lowe's in Norway either. I can't blame them, since there's only 4,5 mill of us, spread all over a very long country. Maybe if I bat my eyelashes very hard my handy hubby will make me something similar. If not, I'll just have to make one myself.
That's the spirit Droopy! If hubby won't build it for you... do it yourself! This one is about to get a good testing. We're expecting 3-4 days of freezing temps. Wonder if the plastic is thick enough to keep the plants safe? Or I guess I could always use the wheels and put in the garage for a few days.