I've neglected my Bklyn,NY lawn ALL SEASON!! Yup, the neighbors are goin to write a petition and my family is threatening to disown me. Everyone here hires a "gardener", a/k/a lawn mower. I figured I could do it myself. But I didn't. Now what do I do? Really I want to rip it up! Do lawn mowers work on 3 ft high grass?
If you can't take care for the mowing so you could hire a lawn and garden service. I don't know the rates what they might charge where you are living but here you can get it done for about $20-$25 bucks a week and most people just have them coming any other week.
--- hired a gardener; that's the end of that. next year i'm planning to reduce the lawn, have more shrubs, perenials and anuuals. i'm going to go grass-less; too much maintenance.
I went grass-less in the back yard a few years ago and the front yard is about 3/4ths grass-less now and will be completely grass-less by next spring. What little is out front now can be handled with a weed-eater when needed. My hubby LOVES it, he has always hated mowing the yard.
just hire someone to cut it, commercial mowers can cut grass that high no problem. It will cost you more because its high but at least you didn't have to pay for it through the growing season. Also if you you are going to do plantings to get rid of the grass you have to take care of them as well or you will have a weedy mess. I think personally cutting the grass is easier than maintaining landscape beds.