Help! When it comes to interior design... I'm lost!

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by Aces4Lilah, Dec 20, 2010.

  1. Aces4Lilah

    Aces4Lilah New Seed

    Dec 20, 2010
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    I'm looking for some help with my children's rooms. First room is 12ft x 16ft. It's our two year old son's room. We want to do a space theme. We were wanting to paint the walls dark blue, ceiling black and I plan on painting a mural of planets and starts on the walls and ceiling. We also have a Space Shuttle Pinball machine we want to tie into the room. That's as far as we've gotten. The bedroom door is on the 16ft side wall, will the closet being on the opposite side of the same wall. The other 16ft wall has a big bay window. There are pretty light wood floors. I have a small budget for decorations and furniture, just don't know how to set it all up.

    As for our infant daughter's room. It's half the size, with one small window on the opposite wall of the bedroom door. Right now it has a hidious neon pink ceiling and ceiling fan (Not from us, but the previous owners!!!). I'm wanting to do a beach theme. I was kind of thinking a light blue "beachy" color on the walls with pink and white accents (such as decorations or something along those lines). But that's as far as I've gotten.

    Maybe someone can throw some ideas at me! I sort of know what I want, but when it comes to layout, design, and making it all go together... I'm a mess! Any and all help would be wonderful! I'm clueless!!! Thank you so much!
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  3. HeatherM

    HeatherM New Seed

    Jan 2, 2010
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    Chicago, IL
    Can you sketch out what the rooms look like and post the picture? I can help with the layout, but a little confused from the description. Also, how large is the pinball machine?
  4. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Heather's suggestion that you post a sketch would help us understand the lay-out of the rooms better.
    May I suggest that you not go with a "theme" for either the two-year-old or the infant. Children have interests that change almost daily, and decorating a room with a theme a child loves at two may be of no interest to the child at three!
    Calm colors, light blues, sage greens, soft yellows for the walls, a reflective white for the ceiling, and an oyster or slightly off-white for the trim would give you a background for pictures, posters, or shelving that would hold the current "interest" of the child. Much easier to change a picture than a wall color!
    You aren't clueless--you have ideas that are good--just don't overdo them!
  5. dwightantoine

    dwightantoine New Seed

    Feb 11, 2011
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    Maryland, USA
    It can be very comforting to see those glow in the dark stickers as the child falls asleep.
    If the space is smaller than desired, opt for a ceiling of the same hue, or select white to enhance the visual size and raise the overhead parameter. This will help increase the visual size of the space for far less than the cost of tearing out a wall and remodeling.
  6. louise

    louise New Seed

    Feb 25, 2011
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    I'd agree with not going with a particular theme, kids change their likes and interests ALL the time, and you don't want to be continually shelling out more money for a makeover.

    I'd second the idea of glow in the dark stickers, or glow in the dark things in general. Kids love them, and I must've been at least 12 before I lost the interest in glow in the dark moons and stars myself!

    If you want to go with a theme, try to incorporate it mostly into things that can be changed easily and cheaply, such as the bed clothes or curtains/blinds.

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