Time to choose Pic Of The Month for March 2011. Poll will last 2 days. Note: Sorry it took so long to put up a new Pic of the Month poll. It has been a topsy turvy month what with my laptop breaking down and a European vacation
As a beekeeper's helper, you can guess where my vote went! I agree with Kay, all the photos are stunning. There seem to be quite a few Stewies who could be professional photographers. It's not just the subject matter, but the framing, clarity, perspective that is so impressive. Y'all did a great job in giving us such beautiful photos to choose from.
We have a winner! Congrats to member Sjoerd for posting his Honey Bee photo. Enjoy seeing your photo on the home page
Thanks Bunkie--sorry to hear about your snow, though. Thank you KK. Thanks TONI-- I like the yellow of the flower. It makes me feel "Springy" too. Thanks Jerry--nice pun, BTW Thank you DROOPY-- yes...and I am looking forward to seeing it in your garden too!
Beautiful picture ...it looks as if you could reach out and pet the bee. When the weather is warm and the bees are lazy I have tried doing just that...I had read about someone doing it so when my husband wasn't around (he is allergic to being stung) I tried it with no problems. It was with the bigger black and yellow bumble bee ...I don't think I will make a habit of it but it was interesting to do.
Thanks so much, SHERRY--I had no idea that bees liked to be petted. Thank you EILEEN--I can't wait to see them live in my garden again.