Spring is in the air and today was a beautiful sunny day. A slight chill in the air but perfect temperatures for working in the garden. The birds were singing and the flowers and trees were bursting with color. I have taken a lot of photos over the last week. Here is my smilebox of some of the highlights.Just click on the link below. http://smilebox.com/playBlog/4d6a4d354d ... gview=true
Wow Gail, an excellent way to start spring. It's too cold here to really feel it is spring. We are still waiting.....the Captain has snow. In the mean time we will watch yours. Thank you, Jerry
Another very nice show, Gail. I really enjoy your Smile Boxes. This group had several quite special ones in it, didn't it? Thanks for this.
Great shot of the robin pulling a worm Gail. I really enjoy your Smilebox film shows. Can you tell me what those glorious, purple blooming trees are 'cause I'm sitting here drooling over them.
It's just not fair! Gail gets to live in paradise! Okay... I'll stop pouting now and being all jealous. Those are some awesome photos. I'm going back and look again.
Thank you all, I enjoy sharing my photos via smilebox, I like the cheerful backgrounds and adding music enhances the viewing. Jerry, hope Spring shows up soon. Sjoerd...yes Spring provides lots of variety for photography, glad you enjoyed the show. FlowerFreak, I am always excited when I capture a bird & not a blur or blank frame. Eileen...the blooming trees ar Redbuds...they grow wild along the highways and it looks gorgeous with the new green growth. The leaves are heart shaped, I had a closeup of the leaves in the slideshow. http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinlabar/134554359/ Cheryl...happy to share. Daisy...glad you enjoyed them
Redbud is one of my favorite trees. They are so lovely. They grow wild in the mountains of West Virginia and they remind me of walking with my dad!
wow.. these pics are gorgeous! thanks for sharing. there is nothing better than spring in the south (minus the pollen!!)