I am looking for a source to buy this bulb. From sources I have discovered that this daffodil/narcissus is an old one. It is also hardy enough to take my digging and moving and I would just like more. It has been identified as: " 'Double Van Sion', and several other names also. "This famous double yellow daffodil of old American gardens is also very popular in Europe under the name of 'Wilmer's Double Golden Daffodil' and among the more botanical as N. telamonius plenus, it being the doubled form of a single yellow trumpet called 'Telamonius' in England and 'Van Sion' in Holland." " There has been quite a bit of variation from this old cultivar I am looking for a single trumpet with the doubling form. unknown daffodil ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) unknown daffodil ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) unknown daff/early bloomer ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden ) Maybe someone out there is aware of a bulb source somewhere in the world.
http://www.dutchbulbs.com/ Van Bourgondien is a big importer of Dutch bulbs, when you buy a bag of Daffs and Lilies, they are sometimes the supplies. http://www.vanengelen.com/ http://www.vanbloem.com/ There are probably more, but these are the three that came up in a Google search. If they don't have them on their web site, do what I did when looking for the name of the succulent I mentioned a few days ago, email them with a photo attached and see if they can ID it for you.
thanks Toni. None of them had this bulb and I may yet email them. Am still searching the web. It can be a very precocious thing. I am sure eventually I will get it to reveal a source.
The succulent I was trying to identify had been hybridized 20 years ago and there was no info on the growers website about it, but when I emailed them they were able to find what I needed to know. Being an old bulb it is very likely that there is nothing readily available on most websites because most of them are focused on new hybrids, new cultivars. It never hurts to ask.
Jewel, When ever I replanted and moved newer bulbs away from the mothers, daff's multiplied pretty fast. Wait till after bloom and replant every other year. It won't be long before you run out of bed for them... I'm just sayin'
Jewell, try Dixie Bulbs http://www.dixiebulbs.com and Old House Gardens http://www.oldhousegardens.com. Both specialize in old varieties. They may have what you want (but they ain't cheap!).
marlingardener, you are certainly right about the "not cheap" part, but both sites had the 'Van Sion' daff. It is my big six oh this year so I might have to treat my self. Another nice person also shared a photo of the Narcissus pseudonarcissus (another name for the same daff) naturalized at Ullswater, Lake District in the UK. http://www.valcorbettphotography.com/masterclass/article/wordsworths-daffodils-glencoyne-ullswater/ I know eventually I will get more of this bulb. :-D Just have to give it more research and thought
Narcissus Van Sion = Narcissus Telamonius Plenus must be easy to find There is a good production from that one if you can't find PM me and I will ask a few colleagues see: Narcissus Telamonius Plenus Roland
bulborum seems this is a more common bulb in the EU than in the US. eileen, thanks that is a cool information site. Thanks everyone for all the help. A nice person is going to share some of theirs that need to be divided. Gardeners are so generous
My wife would simply love me forever if I could find some of those! She loves daffys so much and those are simply georgeous!