Reading the fire reports, many have sizable portions contained. Unfortunately there are so many fires that resources are spread too thin. Long range weather predictions are lacking on needed rain. Having come from a firefighting family I know only too well the dangers facing those involved in fighting the wildfires. Tragically the fires have already claimed firefighting lives. Indeed Texas needs to be in our prayers. We will continue to hope and pray for relief. Jerry
A second firefighter died last night, he had been burned over a large portion of his body two weeks ago at the fire outside of Amarillo. The really large one NW of me is about 25 percent contained and didn't make any forward progress last night since the winds were still and the humidity was very high. But that's just a lull.
Well folks, it's all under control. Our governor has declared a a three day prayer fest for rain. If that man had a brain he'd take it out and play with it.
WoW toni, I wish we could send our rain your way. It does nothing but rain here right now. We must be 6" above normal now and we're under another flash flood watch. Prayers are going up as I type.
The large wildfire to my west is now about 25% contained and they are hoping to have it completely out by the end of April. The firefighters in Texas are still battling blazes all over the state. Soon as they get some under control, more break out in another part of the state and they have to spread the manpower even thinner. It's a good thing that Texas is such a gosh darn big state or there wouldn't be anything left of it. Our governors prayer fest isn't really working. There has been rain in my area (not my yard though) but none on the actual fires. And the storms have been accompanied by really strong winds and large hail. Guess he hasn't be specific enough about where the rain should fall and rain only, no wind and hail with it.
We got rain! We woke up about 2 a.m. and heard rain--had to stop and think what it was, it had been so long since we had heard that happy plink, plink. It rained for about an hour and although we had high winds, too, it was so nice to hear and smell the rain. Rain barrels are full, I don't have to water the gardens today, and the grass is wet! I think I'll go pick dewberries instead of hauling water.
I haven't heard the gov take credit for the rain that finally fell on the fire area this week but they have been able to get the large fire about 70% contained. They are still having problems with hot spots flaring up unexpectedly though and there is still a portion of the state that hasn't had any rain yet and is burning.
Even doing the rain dance isn't helping us here in the Houston, TX. I can't remember the last time we had rain. It is crazy this year. Windy, and in the upper 80's and low 90's. We are watering every day just in hopes of some rain.
I'm still wishing I could send some of our rain your way. Sorry for all of you there. We are waterlogged here. and it's not getting better. I'm not sure which is worse. I saw an embankment along a freeway ramp the other day that slid down the hill.