Sweet William/ Columbine

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Zinnia, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Zinnia

    Zinnia Seedling

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Pasadena, Md
    I planted some Sweet William last year and they turned out great, now are fading, I want more!:) Do I dead head? Can I get seeds from them? What to do with them now? I received some columbine from a friend and didnt get them in the ground soon enough, I planted the roots do i cut them down? Will it come back? seeds? Please help my dead plant....
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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi Zinnia, do you have sweet william as in the wildflower or dianthus? let your wild flower go to seed, trim the dianthus with a pair of sissors just to neaten them up. My dianthus keeps coming back year after year and I don't do anything to it. I thought it was a biennial, but.... I still have it after several years. So maybe it keeps reseeding.I just don't watch it close enough to see.

    The columbine, trim off any dead foliage and plant it. You aren't out anything to give it a chance. Otherwise seeds are really the easiest way to establish the columbine. You can't hardly kill them once they are rooted in your bed. If you get some to grow, let the ones you like go to seed and reseed the area. Clip off any other seed heads before they turn brown, but its better to cut them off as soon as they are done blooming.
  4. Zinnia

    Zinnia Seedling

    Sep 22, 2010
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    Pasadena, Md
    thank you, very helpful:)

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