I just tilled a 35 x 55 yard garden area and planted a bunch of herbs a few days ago. Now grass is coming up all over! Will this kill the plants? Will I have to weed for days straight? Or is there a way to get rid of it? Will using Round-Up on the grass near the plants kill my herbs?
You can use a hoe of some sort to remove the grass. After doing it every few days during the sunniest part of the day, or in the early morning (so that the sun can dry it out later) eventually the amount of grass will diminish. I have the perfect tool for it here, but there are similar tools there. Personally, I would not use Roundup. It is a good idea to keep the grass and other weeds to a minimum because they will compete with your crops for nourishment. I don't think that it would kill your crops, but they may do less well if you leave the grass to grow-up. Good luck with your garden.
tilling several times before you start your new garden is a better idea. Just for future reference. I would not recommend the roundup either. It is tooooooo easy to get drift on your herbs and that will kill them. (I was looking at getting a round up roller but the thing was almost $200.00 for the size I needed. Ummm, I think I will do without it). You'll need to pull, pull, pull your grass and then mulch around your herbs. that will help keep down the weeds close to the plant. Are they in rows and you could till in between? I use cardboard and paper, covered with grass clippings, for mulch in my garden to keep down the weeds, I usually go to an appliance store and get big boxes out of their dumpster to do this. It works very well. In my flowerbeds where they aren't laid out in rows, I lay down thick layers of newspaper and/or smaller boxes and cover with grass clippings.
when i first tilled my garden spot, i was raking like a madman. but i got 85% of the grass out of it and i am glad i did. till the rows again and rake if you don't mind the physical labor.
Round-Up is never a good option,IMO. Mechanical or hand removal is what will be best. Lots of work, I know. Lesson learned. Hoe's of differnt shapes, sizes, and weights are made for purposes just like this. Call me a tree hugger if you will, but I eat bunnies.
IF it's really just grass, and the one coming from the seeds scattered it's easy to just pull them up slowly (not to break the grass and leave the roots in the ground). I do this quite often. Not a very hard work but it takes time and dexterity. I do this exercise A LOT. Don't use any tools. Maybe a knife with a thick and white blade (not sharp anymore) and I dig for the deep roots like dandelions have. If you mow the lawn or keep it real short and don't let it seed it's fine. But I can see really short grass only an inch high and already producing seeds... and they get everywhere. SO with all that grass around...
After every ones advice I sprayed roundup all over 3 days ago. So far no result? If it doesn't work I will pull all of it up by hand.