I was wondering if there is such a thing as an "all green" curly 'Bonnie' spider plant like the variegated form? I see a so called All Green one for sale, but the leaves look a little odd, not all that curly compared to the variegated one I already have. Thanks for any information
I've never actaully seen an all green Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie' Bluewing. The curly ones I have seen have all been variagated. I hope someone can give you more information about a green variety.
I have all three varieties, all green, white on the outside and green in the middle and green on the outside and white in the middle. I might even have seeds......maybe......not something I think about keeping though. I get seed pods from all three at various times. I usually throw them away. Actually I limit my spider population to six in the winter and a gazillion in the summer. Spiders-R-Us, Jerry
Thanks Eileen and Jerry :-D Great! It's good to know there really is a Bonnie that's all green. I must have it then, lol, also, one of those nice Hawaiian spiders (green mother variegated babies) would look so good hanging right next to it Take care of those gazillions! Thanks again guys
before I moved I had a huge all green spider plant. One solid color. during the move it froze and never recovered. Along with my 4 yr old norfolk Island pine.