Help with a container garden

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by Edlou8181, May 4, 2011.

  1. Edlou8181

    Edlou8181 Seedling

    May 1, 2011
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    Bellmawr NJ
    where on here would I look for help with container gardens,I live in an Apt with balcony
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  3. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Location: 5
    What do you want to put in your containers? Veggies, plants and what zone are you in? You should know where you are going to put your containers and then you could pick what to put in them. Some plants need shade and some mostly sun and some partial sun, etc....Do you see what plants are growing in your neighborhood? Let us know and then maybe someone can help you out.
  4. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi Ed,
    it should be an interesting and enjoyable project!,..and once you have decided just where you want to place your containers,..we can then recommend what would be most suitable,..and what you might like,..a balcony garden can look VERY good,.. be it a big balcony or a small one, take a look at your balcony,..check where you can place a container,..pick out some plants you like,..(most plants are suitable),..but check that they are not going to outgrow the balcony space,..i would recommend smaller flowering plants,..not too small!,..something like Petunias,..that have a variety of colours and give lots of blooms, some taller plants for each side of the balcony.
  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi Ed, how are you getting along with your container garden? Give us an update, even if it's only a sentence or two. Keep on trying if you aren't successful the first few times. Doing something new is always trial and error. :stew1:

  6. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Location: 5
    Hi Ed...I think I got a private message from you but when I came back today, I can't find it. I didn't have time to answer the day I had received it..sorry.

    Did you make any decisions yet? I have seen some stacked containers but with your windy conditions I am not sure if they would work for you. I know they used to sell them on QVC but I haven't been there this gardening season. If you do decide to use small containers I would put some rocks or stone on the bottom inside the containers to help them not to get tipped over.

    If you can let us know what zone you are in or what area then we could tell you what zone. Your gardening centers should be a help too...Here, hostas are nice if you have shade and they hold together pretty good in the wind..I find it hard on Petunias or anything that trails or hangs over the edges because they can tangle in the wind. But if you pinch and keep them short, that would help.
    Good luck and do share some pictures...container gardening can be so nice.

    I did bring a hibiscus tree in the house from my container gardening last did flower once and hopefully we will warm up here and I can bring it outside again to thrive.
  7. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Ilooked at your blogs and saw the pictures of your balcony and tomatoes. With the afternoon sun you can grow most vegetables. Your tomatoes will need a deeper pot because their roots go deeper than most vegetables. You can grow peppers in pots. My son does container gardening because his landlord won't let them dig in the yard. He grows about everything. You will be limited to the size of your balcony in how many pots you can have. I'd put only one plant to a pot unless you have large pots. You could even grow a cucumber plant if you provided a pole for it to twine around or be tied up to. Try and see what happens this year and next year you can grow what did best this year. You will have to feed them every couple of weeks. Try Miracle Gro or something like that to use in the watering process.
    Hope this helps some.
  8. Edlou8181

    Edlou8181 Seedling

    May 1, 2011
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    Bellmawr NJ
    Container Gardensmore

    Well I planted more plants today,some 4 O clocks,more peppers,lettuce and transplanted my tomatoes to different containers.
    I still have to get bigger containers but at least I don't have 4 tomato plants in one pot.
    More pictures of balcony this afternoon
    Thanks everyone for your help
    cindjo717 likes this.
  9. Roses5A

    Roses5A New Seed

    Jun 10, 2011
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    Central IN
    Edlou8181- Much of what you are able to do on your balcony depends on it's exposure. If it is facing east or south you will have a lot more choices in plant material. If it faces north you need plants that do well in the shade. A western exposure is the toughest- you need plants that are fungus resistant (due to morning shade) and can take the baking sun. Your choices in containers can affect the plants and as well as the eye appeal of your garden.

    moderator's note: removed website link, see point 1.1 of usage rules

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