A "houseplant" is a misnomer.... there is no such thing as a "Houseplant"... that term came about by people living in zones that can't put their plants outdoors.... In Florida, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and other tropical areas there are no such things as houseplants because everything can be planted outdoors.... Unfortunately, those of us who are not blessed with living in those climates have to adapt our plants to less than favorable conditions..
Nice thought for the day Palmie. 'Houseplants' never had a house to grow up while evolving. In fact I'm sure they find it quite strange to be placed in these strange four-walled concrete thingies
If I ever come back into this world once I've passed on it'll be as a houseplant. You get fed, watered, you move 'house' when you outgrow the one you're in, (for free) and receive so much TLC, it's just got to be the most perfect life. Much better than dealing with the weather, bugs and other mishaps that can befall plants out in the big, wide world.
Beats little porcelain thingys you have to dust. I suppose there are places where my houseplants are regular outdoor fare, just hadn't thought about it much.
Total disagree! Living here in Florida I can tell u there are plants that don't take the heat. Those are house plants. We do get luck tho with annuals turning into perennials sometimes.