Quiz Question: WEEKEND BENDER! August 12, 13, 14, 2011

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Delly, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. Delly

    Delly In Flower

    May 12, 2010
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    Clintwood Virginia
    I have an event in Johnson City this weekend and will not have any computer access to speak of, I am posting a long question to get the weekend rolling........... Here we go!

    Archaeologists have recovered remains of sunflower seeds dating back to the year ______________.

    A mystery solved... DNA studies have finally solved a long-standing horticultural puzzle -- where do orchids come from?

    Kiwifruit contains 600-1000 tiny edible seeds inside each fruit. It contains 2 x the amount of ________________that oranges have and can be stored up to _____________.
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Answer 1.

    The remains of sunflower seeds have been discovered from as far back as the year 800.

    Answer 2.

    DNA testing has claimed that the first orchid Laelia or Cattleya origionated in Brazil.

    Answer 3.

    Kiwifruit contains 600-1000 tiny edible seeds inside each fruit. It contains 2 x the amount of vitimin C that oranges have and can be stored up to six months.
    Delly likes this.
  4. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    It is believed that the cultivation of sunflowers extends to more than 8,000 years and predates that of corn, squash and beans. The remains of charred sunflower seeds have been found by archaeologists in Native American dwellings going back 800 years.

    Recent DNA science detectives have placed orchids in the Asparagales family and orchids may very well be the oldest member, the earliest orchid probably lived with the dinosaurs during the cretaceous period 100 million years ago.

    Kiwi Fruit contains 600-1000 tiny edible seeds inside each fruit. It contains 2 x the amount of vitamin C that oranges have and can be stored up to 8 months.
    Delly likes this.
  5. Delly

    Delly In Flower

    May 12, 2010
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    Clintwood Virginia
    Archaeologists have recovered remains of sunflower seeds dating back to the year 800 AD.

    It turns out that orchids are a member of the asparagus family, which, beyond the title vegetable, includes vanilla, agave and daffodils. Until now, scientists believed orchids were relatively new plants, evolutionarily speaking. The DNA tells a different story. It looks like it is actually the oldest member of the Asparagales family. Source: NY Times. P.S. It takes 1.25 million orchid seeds to weigh 1 gram. Orchids have the smallest known seeds.

    Kiwifruit contains 600-1000 tiny edible seeds inside each fruit. It contains 2 x the amount of vitamin C that oranges have and can be stored up to 8 months.
    Frank likes this.

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