I wish I had gotten some pictures. But was covering up plants other night had a frost coming. Couldn't believe how many hummers at that the 2 feeders. Got 1 more up-but hardly go to it. But they was every place. But so far this am only seen one
Sitting on the deck drinking morning coffee it was not unusual to see several hummers. Now as the cold air has filtered down from the north and the temperatures are in the low 40's the hummers seem to have exited south. None have been to the feeder or nearby flowers in several days. :-( Jerry
We have noticed an increase in the hummingbird population around our feeders in the last week. We kept nectar in our feeders during the hot weather, but didn't have many takers (one or two a day). Now that the temperatures are cooler we are getting eight or nine at the two feeders throughout the day. We checked with several birding sites we participate in, and the general consensus is that the migration has started. This is about two weeks earlier than usual, and may be a result of the weather (floods in the midwest, wildfires, etc.). We get Ruby-throats and Black-chinned hummingbirds here.
Koszta kid: We still been seeing the female Ruby throat at out feeder here in Wis. Even with the temps getting down into the high 30's and low 40's at night. Our male hummers left over two weeks ago and must be visiting your feeders marlingardener. I sure do miss the summer birds when they are gone.
I've had lots of activity the last few weeks. Not just at the feeder but also on the flowers. Most days, I can count on seeing at least 5-6 hummers.
I have only watched Hummingbirds in the wild on one occasion,..i was in a place called "Porter",..North Indiana,..visiting a wildlife park near "The Dunes",..close to Lake Michigan,..i was fascinated watching the speed of these little beauties,..i watched them for ages as we don't have them here in Ireland.
Since we have been working on the house-have been (buzzed) by many. I thought they was gone. But was painting feeder was 4-5 feet away yesterday .I just talk softly to them.Had to cut one vine down to put new boards up. So put up another feeder.
what is strange not going to (fancy) hummer feeders as much. But to oriole feeder.Even colder temps have plenty coming.Have to fill feeders every other day.
I've had plenty of hummers this summer and fall. I see them on flowers and I have 3 feeders with nectar in them that I make. Every day we are busy cleaning and putting new nectar in our feeders. When we sit out on the patio they just zoom by us and we have so much fun watching them. We usually have hummers hovering around the feeders maybe 10 at a time. These little birds just amaze us. They will be leaving soon like every year, but I'm sure glad they stop by an stay for awhile. I know they will always come back in the spring.
I'm making sugar water again.Going to soak the one feeder.I hate seeing people's feeder and pitch black.Don't want them getting sick.But know they will be packing up soon. But will be ready for them next year.
The hummers I see may be passing through, they do not appear as regularly as during the summer. Still, they are a welcome feeder at the Salvia lining the deck. Jerry
I try and see where they nest. I have 10 larger ever-green. I think they go there. still have a few but not like all this summer.
I was just watching a hummingbird this morning here in Wisconsin...He was here a couple times that I could see. I keep my feeders out for a while yet incase I have any more going through at the last minute. It is suppose to get down to the 30's again for a couple nights (thursday and Friday night) ....so I hope he bundles up and stays warm on his journey.
I have not seen any hummers yesterday. But will keep feeders up.To get colder -frost warnings.Got blankets ready to cover plants.