A Rainy Day Garden

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Sjoerd, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    This is the Corydalis elata, a very hardy corydalis. My mother dug some up to share before last winter, but never got round to getting it to her friend. It survived our hard frost and no snow in a plastic carrier bag and is now at it's new home doing very well indeed. :D We've got it too and it's got a warm vanilla-like scent in warm evenings in June or July.

    Another blue one is Corydalis flexuosa. I've been told it's not as hardy but also very pretty. It blooms earlier than the C. elata too.

    Now, that I'm NOT! I'm a mere beginner compared to several of the members on this site and you too.

    And Yes you are. :D I find I never remember plants' names when I need them but they pop up once I've stopped trying to remember it.
  2. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    awesome pics sjoerd! what beautiful colors you have there. i love those sky blue delphs!
  3. Kay

    Kay Girl with Green Thumbs

    Dec 30, 2009
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    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Sjoerd, Your photos are just simply gorgeous!!
    I love the first one! :D
  4. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    I am not sure what a corydalis is, but I LOVE those blue delphiniums ! I planted some the other summer, but they died and never came back. You have a lovely garden, and the longshots are always good too. So far, poppies have never grown for me, despite following a number of experts advice on growing them.

  5. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Thank you so much for your reaction to the posting, MISS LIB--It is great that you can find some degree of inspiration in this posting. Just great!
    Blank slates can be fun to work with. I shall be interested is seeing how your new garden/plots develop.

    FRUGAL--Why yes.....that'd be fun, I think. Good luck

    Thank you so much, CAYUGA MORN--Some of the shots were taken when everything was still wet from the rain and so the colours look particularly rich, I think. I wish that I could find a good way of showing the paths during the summer months.
    Yes, that blue Corydalis elata is difficult here. it almost totally died out too. I discovered that in my part of the world it required special conditions. I provided that and now it does very well. Thanks for the compliment on the Cory.

    DROOPY-- Thank you very much for filling in the blank: "elata". Corydalis elata. That's it!
    I agree with you that it is hardy...but my experience was that its hardy in cooler climes than mine.. hahaha. Still, I have made a good place for it and worked the soil and provided the shade...now it is hardy here as well (in its own little, custom-made "shade garden"" milieu.
    ...annnd --YES YOU ARE TOO. ...I'm not going to argue about it, nope. Yes you are too and that's that. I'm being very unreasonable about this now, I'm not going to say another word. So there! (crosses arms and stamps foot--the lower lip standing out so far you could use it for a serving tray). :)
    When you said, "And yes you are"-- I wasn't sure about what you meant: perhaps you were referring to my comment (and agreeing with me) that I am sometimes a bonehead. hahaha.
    I have that too--where sometimes when I need the Latin name, I can't get it to come to em...but when I am alone and talking to by plants, it comes so easily. Weird that, eh?

    Thanks BUNKIE-- I am partial to those Delphs too. What a sublime colour!

    Thank you KAY--I appreciate your nice comments. You are always so complimentary.

    AANIGHT-- I am unhappy to hear that your Delphs didn't come back. They can sometimes be difficult and are menu favourites of slugs and snails to boot!
    ...and what a shame that you have troubles with poppies. In principle, they should not give you any trouble at all. I just scatter some seeds over freshly tilled ground and that is that. Oriental poppies is another thing though.
    I hope that you will have good success though. If you are like me, you don't give up easily.
  6. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Wisconsin...zone 5
    Very pretty and now you made me sorry I didn't plant some poppys.....I seem to want so many plants I really don't have room for.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Delightful to see you, Sherry. Thanks for your nice comment. Well, as for poppies, there's always next season. You know--if you have grass, you have room for more plants. ;) hee hee hee.
  8. Tooty2shoes

    Tooty2shoes Hardy Maple

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Denmark, Wis.
    Wow. Can we come and visit :-D Your gardens look almost park like. That is definitely a labor of love. I have grown those double Poppies, both the red and the pink. Great job and thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. :stew1:
  9. gfreiherr

    gfreiherr Young Pine

    Oct 12, 2009
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    I was browsing the GS Facebook page and came across your posting. I can't believe I missed this in June. I think I had back-to-back vacations around that time. I enjoyed the tour of your flower gardens. I love your "veggie" posts but you know I am partial to flowers. ;)

    I loved the Knautia Macedonica, it is really set off by the Delphs. Glad you included a closeup. I also loved the Poppies, I don't have good luck with them. The Corydalis has an unusual flower, very fringy.
    Well as they say..."better late than never"!. :rolleyes:
  10. Philip Nulty

    Philip Nulty Strong Ash

    Nov 25, 2010
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    The Midlands,Ireland
    Hi Sjoerd,
    well just like Gail i don't know how i missed this post back in June,..i can not remember if i was away from home or not.

    Its a bonus to see so much colour from back then in your garden,..while the season has changed now and ours are far and few between,..lovely tour to make wishing for next spring more so.
  11. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    2T2SHOES-- Sure you can. Glad that you liked the posting. I think that growing poppies is fun and such a surprise every year.

    Better late than never, is too right, GAIL--Heh heh heh...yeah, I know that you are partial to flowers.

    Yes PHILLIP-- the flowers are indeed becoming fewer and fewer. I am going to miss them. I have a few hangers on still, but not many.
  12. hummerbum

    hummerbum Young Pine

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Savannah GA
    Oh My Goodness Sjoerd: Your pictures are amazing. My favorite has to be the BEE. The colors are eye-popping. I am soooo jealous. Your path is everything that I ever wanted for myself..to be able to walk through and brush up against a mixture of plants that looks like you're walking through a tropical jungle. I love the height of your plants with that path....I agree with everyone else on here...Outstanding job on the plants and the photography!!!!!
  13. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Why Hummer, I do declare that you say the nicest things. :)
    I am so delighted that you enjoyed this posting.

    I liked that bee-foto as well. It was a foto with such a contrast of colours.

    I see that you are based in Savanna, Ga. I have been there years ago. I recall the brick buildings and the "feel" of what I guess one could call, "Southern Gentility".
    I cannot recall much about Savannah, but what I AM left with, is a very positive feeling residual from my experience there.
  14. petals

    petals Seedling

    Jul 7, 2011
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    British Clumbia
    lovely picture, i found out the hard way that Deer love this plant.
  15. hummerbum

    hummerbum Young Pine

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Savannah GA
    Yes Sjoerd...Savannah is an interesting place to be. Your bee is now my background. My co-worker said that she has never seen that many parts on a bee ever!!!!! LOLLLLL...i have a wide screen monitor so you know that colors really popppppppp!!!! Thanks for making my day.

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