Not to make the people from Texas feel bad, but on the local news tonight they said that we are 10 inches above normal for rain fall for the year. Spring was so wet that the farmers almost didnt get their corn and soybeans in the ground. Then we had rain very regular during the growing season so it has really done well. Now that it is almost time to start harvesting those crops, it's wet again. I have gotten an inch or more of rain a week for the past 3 weeks.
We have had a moister summer. The grass is greener and I did a lot less watering than last year. I do wish we could share our rain with the folks in Texas. I guess we will have to wait for the La Nina and El Nino kids to sort out what happens next. We have left the weather up to two kids? :-o Jerry
Since we have started working on the house. lot more rain. I know we need it so when get extra cold temps plants don't up heave. And farmer here in Iowa wet spring some flooding. But pray states like Texas get much needed slow steady rains.
Foggy today in NJ, with spritzes of misty rain in the air. I just returned from my morning walk and was surprised by all the patches of fluffy greyish-white fungus on almost everyone's lawn.
I guess that, since we can't plan our weather, we are stuck with what we have. I live in deep south Texas and we are a little better off than the rest of the state but still have drought conditions. You are blessed to not be so dry.