Being in country stocking up pantry. And will be getting supplies to feed bird. Have metal trash cans to store sunflower seed and goldfinch seed. Got Hog coming from farmer friend. Drying apples, Want to get farm raised chicken. Home-made soup in winter :-D Things for baking my own bread if I have to.Gas for generator in case lights go out. have had snow and winds-couldn't get out for 4 days.And getting more solar flood lights. mount them high so snow doesn't cover them. And plenty of fire wood.And yes extra TP.
Our stocking up for winter consists of putting more wood in the barn for our wood-burning stove (very handy when the electric goes out, as it frequently does), making sure there is an extra bag of chicken feed on hand and some chicken scratch for cold nights, and getting out the long-sleeved shirts and long pants. We don't have lots of cold weather here :-D .
After an earthquake and a hurricane within a week of each other, and remembering the big snows of last year, or was it it the year before? :-? Well, long story short...yes, I have been stocking up on everything, but I had not thought of TP, it's off to the store.
I can and freeze everything that is extra in the garden or left over from my markets. This year though, I have hardly had anything extra at the end of the day. :-? One of my boys hunts, so we do have a little extra meat in the freezer this year and I raised and butchered 25 broilers for the freezer. But, I really don't stock up much. I do buy in bulk for my baking supplies all the time. this is much more economical, also. I figure that there is no way we would be snowed in enough to not make due with what we have for a week or two. There is a farm across the street so if we really needed milk we could probably barter for some, if need be. I suppose gas would probably be the only real need if we needed the generator. Since my husband plows snow in the winter....I could always send him to the store for me.
I have to admit i am always thinking of the alternative ways to survive when what we consider to be the norm ceases to operate so i have small gas cookers should the electricity fail,..and it often has in winter,..i use a wood burning stove which in turn heats the radiators and gives hot water,..but i do have a small gas fire as well, wise for winter i store frozen food but also dried food,..the usual amount of candles and batteries are stocked just before the frost starts. Water,..that is something i have yet to cover as due to our -19 winter temperature last winter,..something we were not used to,..the town water supply was frozen for almost two weeks,..i resorted to using melted snow, a storage tank will be appearing in my back yard soon.
have learned over the years to be like a boy scout. be prepared. And having cold temps of -40 without windchill. And snow so high could walk up drift to garage roof.Got lot of wood to put in basement-old time cellar. And in carport.make sure snow blower starts with one pull.putting up snow fence soon.but got coffee and tea bags on my list. can cook if lights go out got gas stove.
Yes, I stock up for winter! This weekend we will have 3 cords of wood delivered that will last the winter. I have been freezing the extra garden produce and been stocking up the pantry with sale items all year. The generator is always gassed up ready to go and is started and run once a month. We always have extra water, batteries, pet food, and a good supply of toilet paper
seen many times people don't start generators at least once a month.Then when lights go out can't get it started. going to rent log spliter next week or so. Mine bit the dust. rather then buy new one rent one for $60 a day. And will buy extra pet food and litter.Got canned milk on my list.
I hate to find myself without what I need in the winter. I stock up on: - Potting soil and peat moss for winter sowing - More potting soil for next years's early vege container gardening - empty milk jugs (winter sowing also) - concrete stepping stones of different sizes from Home Depot for this year's winter art projects; mosaics. - lots of dark color plates from GoodWill for winter mosaic projects That's a start!
I forgot to add things to keep in your car in case you get stranded in snow.Yes cell phone.But flash light,Kitty litter-helps on icey road, a coffee can -i got old metal one. large candle in it,icey hot patch. Have things hunter use -Toe warmers.log chain and folding snow shovel. old blanket. Have had to cover someone who was in accident to keep warm.And dress warm . This gal who was in accident high heel and winter boots to be found.
Along with other ideas, I've been tossing around growing things in my basement under lights, but what to do if the lights go out??? Any ideas? I agree with Philip, I've been mulling over what to do if the norm changes or ceases to exist.
Wish I the $$$ for windmill and geo-thermo heat. The 2 here are something like $70,000. But would ask like to grow my own fresh veggy under lights.But looking in solar trickle charger for car battery. not sure if the bigger soar lights could use for plants. I do have them outside-the bigger .flood lights. Have brought them inside
Yes, I fill all my oil and karosene for house and greenhouse fuel. I have my firewood for my fireplace in my dining room all ready alone with wood pellets for our stove in the living room. I also save as much food from our garden and fruit trees as I can or give all extras away. I has so much celery this year I chopped it and froze it in a baggie for stews, roasts, and soups. I didn't know what else to do with it. I canned an extreme amount of tomato sauce, and spaghetti sauce and even mexican sauce. I am drying my beans on the vines to use for soups, still to come in. I hope to save lard and seed for the wild birds this year. We will see. Barb, almost ready for winter this year....
I will be getting tallow when we pick up our 1/2 of hog. Make my own suet for the birds. and getting 90 supply of our meds.Got coupons for shampoo and bath soap. Don't want to be stinky. Got old time clothing drying rake. Generators don't run dryers.Can heat water on gas stove-light it with a match. Friend gave me a big bag of Snow apples. Said God picked them-wind blew them off. Are HUGE apples. Going to make apple crisp and freeze them