Two Bays or Not Two Bays, that is the Question.

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by Karrma, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. Karrma

    Karrma In Flower

    Jul 24, 2011
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    Western Washington State
    Two Bays or Not Two Bays, that is the Question.

    Whether 'tis Nobilis......

    Sorry for the pun. I finally found another healthy Bay Laurel Tree, Laurus nobilis, and am trying to be very careful it does not get infected. For a while I had to purchase Bay Leaf at the store. "Spice Island" which I thought was a good brand, was selling the California Bay leaf as Bay Leaf.

    I have seen some of the books say that the California Bay, or Myrtle, Umbellularia californica, is toxic, (due to umbellulone) and other seem to say that it is an ok substitute, but to use about half strength. What is your opinion on whether this can be used safely with the small amount needed for cooking? The Bay Laurel is oval, the California bay is longer, skinnier with a gray underside, stronger scent.

    And if it is not safe, what should we be doing to educate people and convince the companies to stop selling it?

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them?
  2. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Go ahead, I love puns! Many nurseries don't know the difference between the two bays, and it's easy for someone to get the wrong tree for culinary uses. Fortunately, if you get a California bay you can still use it for cooking, just half-strength, as you noted.
    The oils of the California bay are extracted and used to alleviate or cure sinus conditions and headaches. They are also used as an anti-fungal, as in the treatment of athlete's foot.
    Make sure your bay has good air circulation. I placed one of mine on our patio where there was little breeze, and it developed a bit of mildew. I sprayed it with a 10% milk solution and moved it. It recovered nicely.
  3. miles.o

    miles.o New Seed

    Oct 4, 2011
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    Educating people is difficult. One way is contacting the companies that sell the herb. Perhaps they could place a label stating that it is dangerous to use more than the suggested amount.

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